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  1. There are two concepts: Re-incarnation and heaven and hell. Please speak about them!

    Re-incarnation is very scientific. Matter and energy cannot be destroyed. Mind is energy! It has been scientifically proven that re-incarnation happens. You can read more! ...
  2. When we take rebirth when does the old soul enter the body?

    Rebirth happens! So many times we have died and taken birth. Soul can enter the womb at any one of the three times: at the time of conceiving, or the 3rd month of pregnancy, or at the time of birth. Many souls race and from these souls only one gets the ...
  3. Guruji what is the difference between love and attraction?

    Attraction is short lived, but love lasts much longer. Love takes you in, the other is exterior! ...
  4. What are the ingredients to be successful? How come Lord Krishna found Success in everything He does?

    For success in life you need yukti (skill) and shakti (strength), Bhakti (Devotion ) and Mukti (Freedom). Freedom and love in personal life! Without freedom you will find no love and without love there is no joy. Freedom doesn’t mean doing anythi ...
  5. Quote

    Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of Creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant. Ego disappears.   ...
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    The entire life is a futile exercise to express the inexpressible   ...
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    The centre focus of our life is spiritual growth, is peace, and then all other things will be around that. Your first and foremost commitment in life is to be with the Truth, to evolve in truth.   ...
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    However your life may be, it may be a leaf, water, fruit, flower, however it is, offer it with devotion. Your life itself is the fruit.   ...
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    When we get in touch with the source of life then all other tensions, worries fall off and we can sing, dance and be happy. Life can become very intense, intense in the sense of being joyful.   ...
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    Life is infinite. Though life is in every moment, it is also infinite. Your life has been here from thousands of years- from centuries- and your life will continue to be here for centuries.   ...