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  1. Gurudev, children get stuck with computers and cell phones. How to lead them onto a good path? It is very difficult to manage them actually.

    After sixteen years you must treat your children like friends.Nowadays, when children turn twelve or thirteen, you need to treat them like friends. Do not dictate terms to them, or be authoritative. Show love, be kind and friendly. Of course it is d ...
  2. Does acquiring power and authority- professionally and spiritually, give one the power to misbehave with one’s parents at home? Do you approve of such people?

    No, not at all. Both the parents and the children need to understand and be careful in this situation. For parents, I would advise them not to be overly strict with children. Remember what has been said in our scriptures. In the Nitishastra and ...
  3. With such a demanding lifestyle, how can one be a better parent and give quality time to children.

    You should never doubt your goodness because you can never be a bad parent at all. So just be yourself and if you happen to scold your children sometime, you should know it is necessary. Parents feel so guilty when they scold their childre ...
  4. Gurudev, did you ever get a scolding from your Amma (mother)?

    See now, you need a stick only for a mischievous child! (Laughter) You do not need to scold or shout at an obedient child. My mother used to get angry at times, but I never gave her too many chances to get angry with me. ...
  5. Gurudev, it is said that parents are our first Guru. How many people who have come here respect their parents? What would you like to say about this?

    Yes, definitely they should respect their parents. One should respect their parents and obey them. ...
  6. Do you think that little children should be told scary fairy tales, because there are some German tales which are scary and I've heard people say they shouldn't be told them.

    Scary tales should kept in moderation. Suppose they are not told any scary tales at a young age, then when they grow up and they become aware of them, it will scare them even more. It will make them very weak. At the same time, if you tell them t ...
  7. It would be wonderful to have our children grow up happily in this sometimes difficult world. What can we give them besides lots of love when they are still too young for meditation?

    Just play with them. Don’t try to be a teacher all the time and start teaching them. In fact learn from them and respect them. And don’t get too serious with kids. I remember as a child, when my father would come home in the evenings, he would just cl ...
  8. Gurudev, when it comes to parenting, which is more important, ensuring my children have all the comforts money can provide, or my time?

    Listen, there is a conflict going on in your mind because you are working and you are not able to give time to your children. It is okay, whatever time you are giving, ensure it is quality time. That is important. ...
  9. Gurudev, I have only one daughter. She has moved to Canada after her marriage and I have not been able to meet her since one and half years. Will I be able to meet her?

    Yes, go meet her! Your daughter also should feel, ‘I want to meet my mother.’ What has happened is that we sometimes raise our children in such way that they don’t have any feeling or compassion. We have not given them the right values or taught ...
  10. How should I handle my extremely strong-headed and angry teenager? He does not believe in God even after doing the Art EXCEL and the YES course. He does not seem to change.

    I know you are in a hurry to make them change. Have patience. You know, there is an old proverb which says that when a son or a daughter is in the teens, you have to be with them like a friend, not like an authoritative parent. Be with them as a friend and ...