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  1. Technology

    he purpose of technology is to harness nature to bring information and comfort to human beings. When spiritual values- human values- are ignored and neglected, instead of bringing comfort, technology brings fear and destruction. Technology without human v ...
  2. Business and Spirituality

    Often business is looked down upon by spiritualists and spirituality is put off as non-practical by businessmen. Spirituality is the heart, business is the legs, and that is what the ancient people conceived. An individual or a society is incomplete witho ...
  3. Communism and Spirituality

    Communism has three goals. To check the greed of feudal and capitalistic societies. To check the fanaticism and fundamentalism of religious communities. To care for and share with the needy. Only spirituality can bring fulfillment to communism. Only spiri ...
  4. Quote

    Curiosity is the mother of science; Wonder is the mother of spirituality   ...
  5. Spirituality-Wisdom

    The moment you feel the connection from your side, just know that you are already connected; otherwise you won't even come near this Knowledge, this path. ...
  6. Spirituality

    The knowledge which gives us a broad vision and a big heart is spirituality. ...
  7. Spirituality

    Spirituality is a harmonious blend of outer silence and inner celebration; and also inner silence and outer celebration ...
  8. Spirituality

    Finding security in inner space is spirituality ...
  9. Spirituality

    Attaining a spiritual level is simply recognising there is life everywhere, that there is spirit everywhere ...
  10. Spirituality

    The source of your mind is love and whatever you do to go to that source is a spiritual practice ...