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Why is there suffering when there is God?
So that you can lift your eyes above this material world. Suffering has a purpose, which is to connect you to your self. Suffering indicates that you got too involved and carried away by all the relative and transient things around you. That is ... -
How to get rid of stress, other than practicing meditation?
Drive a car behind a bicycle. Slow down. ... -
How to go beyond physical suffering?
When you sleep, you go beyond the body and beyond pain. But if you meditate, you can consciously go beyond pain. ... -
Gurudev, what is the role of pain in personal and spiritual transformation?
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional; you have heard that before, right? Pain is nothing but an intense sensation. Yet, do not justify or encourage pain. Some people start justifying and encouraging pain, and that is where masochism starts. You nee ... -
Gurudev, why does anyone on this planet ever need to suffer?
Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. One doesn’t need to suffer if they are educated and if they have the knowledge. ... -
Gurudev, all the pain and suffering that we experience goes to the big mind. How does it deal with so many deaths and accidents?
Suffering is like a knot. What happens when you remove the knot? Does it go somewhere? It is like a shadow. Does shadow go somewhere when there is light? No. Did you get it? Just think about it. ... -
Gurudev, I asked my friend, 'Why do bad people get good things?' He said, 'They are enjoying stale food from previous lifetimes'. Are we supposed to have everything without knowing why?
Suffering comes on two counts:1. Ignorance – we are miserable due to our ignorance2. Old karmas - we are experiencing something to pay off some old karmas.These are the only two reasons. It is okay if some ch ... -
Gurudev, it is often said that these are bad times for good people. We see this in our society that many times the wrong people end up winning and dominating others and come out as winners. They seem to be enjoying their life. What should we do?
Yes, you said it yourself. They only seem to be enjoying their life, but it is very temporary. See, when someone has to suffer greatly, they first climb to a greater height and then they fall. All such people who rise through wrong d ... -
Dear Gurudev, I am suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe low self-esteem. I am unable to talk to anyone freely because I always feel I am not as successful or accomplished as the person next to me. I keep thinking people hate me because of this. I have begun to separate from reality and living in a negative world. I would like to seek your advice.
First of all, know that life is like a river. You cannot put your feet twice in the same water because the water is changing. Like the flow of a river, your mind is changing all the time. You don’t get the same leaves in the maple tree for two sea ... -
Dear Gurudev, can you please explain what it means to let go. How do I let go of situations that are currently causing me pain which I have no power to change?
How do you sleep at night? If you don’t let go, can you sleep? No! If you don’t let go of an event or situation, or objects, or anything around, you cannot fall asleep. That is letting go.Just wake up and see, the world has been like thi ...