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  1. God gave darshan (visitation) to saints. Can you please tell us more about this?

    Yes, the consciousness is a field of all possibilities. When something happens in the gross, it is because there is something happening in the subtle field also. There are three levels of consciousness; the gross body, the subtle body and the ca ...
  2. Gurudev, some incidents have happened in my life which had never happened before but I felt that I have gone through them before also. How is this possible?

    This is alright. Such instances remind us that our Consciousness is very old and has existed much longer than what we may think. Just today itself, I got a text message on my cellphone in which it was said that – scientists today say that ev ...
  3. Gurudev, I want to know the significance of Déjà vu, as I seem to be experiencing a lot of it.

    See, our consciousness is ancient and new – both at the same time. So it can tap into the happenings of the past as well as that of the future.When you walk on the road, you can only see so much. But if you are flying above the road, you can ...
  4. Today you had tweeted an interesting article that consciousness creates this physical world. So many universes are being created through consciousness. How is this possible?

    Yes, there are multitudes of universes, one inside the other. Our brain is nothing but a frequency analyzer. Our perception is like keeping a radio needle on one particular frequency. If you move that (meaning if you change your perception) then another ...
  5. Gurudev, when does an action leave an impression on the consciousness?

    When an action is too pleasurable or too painful, it leaves a mark. ...
  6. Gurudev, if there is one consciousness ruling, then why are some things said to be good, and some are bad?

    See, good and bad are always relative. There is nothing in the absolute. If you go in space, there is no east, west, north or south. East, west, north, south are there when you are on earth. It is relative. If you ask me whether vitamins are good or ...
  7. Gurudev, is it true that Mira Bai drank poison in the name of Lord Krishna and it did not harm her? What is the meaning of this?

    Yes. There are many miracles which occur in the world and this is one such. You don’t try that. You can call yourself Mira Bai, but don’t try drinking poison. That means that the consciousness which makes the body grow – the love and light in her was so m ...
  8. I am not able to do anything consistently. How can I develop this quality in me?

    This you need to realize for yourself. How do you say that you cannot do anything consistently? Why do you label yourself like that? First you should admit that you do not truly know yourself. When you do not know yourself, you do not know how ...
  9. Gurudev, in the yajnas, the Rishis were invoked. What is the exact process? How come the people who existed so long ago still exist today?

    You know consciousness never dies; the mind never dies! Nothing ever dies. It only changes form. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So is the same with energy. In the consciousness, the Rishi energies are present. It is like, you ...
  10. Gurudev, in the yajnas, the Rishis were invoked. What is the exact process? How come the people who existed so long ago still exist today?

    You know consciousness never dies; the mind never dies! Nothing ever dies. It only changes form. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So is the same with energy. In the consciousness, the Rishi energies are present. It is like, you ...