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When I have lot of choices in my life, and I want to choose one, how can I decide which area I will become successful?
I usually say, choice is yours, blessing is mine. You relax first. Don’t be too over ambitious. Relax and then chose. ... -
Gurudev, how to move from choice to choicelessness?
There is no choice between good and bad. Choice is always between bad and worse; or good and better. If you understand this then you see that there is no choice. ... -
Gurudev, you tell us choice is yours and blessing is mine. What if what we choose for our self does not fall in line with your broad vision, how do we get to know and how can we rectify that? Will you take the responsibility of bringing us back to your line?
(Laughs) Every line is my line only. I wish the best for you and I would like for you to choose. It is not that I decide for you. I want you to choose because with every choice you make, you grow. ... -
Gurudev, what if my choice is different than the conventional way. People say, ‘You should marry, have children, have property, etc.', which is the conventional way. If I want to deviate from it, I am constantly told that I am wrong. I don’t see that as wrong as I have a choice. I should always have a choice. What to do in this case? How do you go against the family, society and still stand and be happy and make your own choices?
es, it is a very tough thing to do. You have to convince your parents that you don’t want to do what everybody else is doing. You know what? What would be best is to keep an open mind about all these aspects. Not be rigid. Just to have an open mind an ... -
Gurudev, how do we know what is the right thing to do when there are so many choices? Also when all of them are equally good, how do I pick the right one?
The right choice will appear on its own. When such a situation arises, have patience, wait a little and it will happen. ... -
(A member of the audience spontaneously asked a question which was inaudible in the recording)
You have no choice. Do you have any choice? Sooner or later everybody has to do that. You cannot take credit for your good qualities because that is how you are. Now this sunflower cannot say, ‘I am yellow.’ It didn’t do anything to become yellow. It i ... -
How to choose the right career?
You should see what your tendency is and what you want. There is nothing called Job-Satisfaction. This word should be removed from the dictionary. Satisfaction comes only through service. Do you get it? Service is a different thin ... -
How do I get clarity when things are very ambiguous?
There is a proverb in Chinese which says - When you feel so confused, take a pillow and go to bed. When you wake up next morning, you will be much better. You know it is our ambition; our over ambitiousness does not let us c ... -
But what does dharma say? Being a daughter, I can’t hurt them, but I have to live my life too.
You are correct. For your children you do it that way. But now, if you are the only daughter, you have to take care of your parents. Even if you are one of the daughters, there is a problem. Use all your skills to convince them and find a solution. If you ... -
Do we have the right to help somebody who has refused help. Keeping in mind that their free will is sacred, should we help them?
I want to ask you a question. Suppose there is a child who is running around on a small parapet wall, and there is a danger of falling, what will you do? Let the child have its freedom? No, you will guide the child and bring it back, right? Similarly ...