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Dear Gurudev, does it matter where we sit during the satsang; more in front or at the back?
(Laughter) It does matter whether you sit by the window or in the middle. If you feel too cold, don’t sit by the window because you want to close the window while others want it open. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter where you sit. Yes, ... -
What is the importance of bhajans?
Do you like singing them? It uplifts you, isn’t it? That is what it is. It is not to please God, but to uplift your own spirit. ... -
A lot of people want to sit in front of you during satsang, and often it leads to some battles. Does it matter how close we sit to you if you are everywhere?
I tell you a secret, they simply don’t know that more blessings go to the people who are the back (laughter). They should drop this 'Me' and allow everyone a chance to come to the front. 'Yesterday I sat, today let someone else ... -
Gurudev, what is the purpose of my life? Why am I here on this planet and in the same era as you are? There has to be a purpose for this life. How will I know that?
There is a very good purpose. There is so much work to do; so much Seva needs to be done. Join the Volunteer for Better India initiative (VBI). There is so much Seva being done and the nation needs you. Do your Seva, Sadhana, and Satsang. Spread the joy an ... -
Gurudev, after a good satsang, I feel a rise in prana level within me. But after Satsang, I feel a sudden feeling of aggressiveness and restlessness too. Please explain.
It is the stress release that happens. Sometimes the stress, the dust underneath the carpet comes up this way. Don’t worry about it. ... -
Dear Gurudev, for the past few months I find sadhana, satsang and seva a struggle and an effort. I have tried approaching it like I am doing it for the first time, but it still feels the same. What can I do to get past this feeling?
Never mind, just relax and let go. Why do you struggle? You already struggle with other things, now you are struggling with sadhana also? Okay, stop, don’t do it. One day, you will find yourself saying, ‘Oh, I need to do it!’ It will feel like you are star ... -
Gurudev, it is said that when one has accumulated Paapa (sins), then one does not feel like doing Sadhana (spiritual practices) or going to Satsang. But if at some point of time if we become aware that this is happening because of a particular karma, then can we overcome it by purushartha (making efforts)?
Yes, absolutely. That is the intelligent thing to do also. Such people are the intelligent ones. You cannot call them foolish or ignorant. When you are aware of a wrong action you have done, then Sadhana and Satsang can help you cut away all these negative ... -
My dearest Gurudev, how can I be more like you? What tips can you give me to grow more into my true nature?
Just turn back and see how much you have grown. Look back and see, what the state of your mind was before you took the Basic Course. Can you relate to that person who never did meditation and who you are now? Notice that big difference! This is good enough ... -
How does singing helps in meditation?
Singing does help. Singing creates a vibrant atmosphere and increases the prana that helps you to calm the mind and go deeper into meditation. So singing is a component. Do you know that 70% of English language is Sanskrit? How many of you have heard ... -
When we are in the satsang, the mind is calm and centered. However, when we go back, the mind gets distracted. Why is that?
That’s natural. That is to remind you to keep coming back to satsangs. When you keep the company of good people the mind changes accordingly. When you keep the company of bad people, the mind naturally goes towards that. ...