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Dear Gurudev, is it okay if I surrender to you as my master but pray to Jesus at the same time? Isn’t it like sitting on two chairs at the same time?
No, don’t worry. Actually, this word surrender should be removed from the dictionary, it has been so misused and misunderstood. You just relax, that is good enough. Relax with this knowledge and faith that you are being taken care of! It is thi ... -
Draupadi had surrendered herself to Lord Krishna and was very devoted to Him. Then why was her life full of obstacles?
Well, it is when there are obstacles that you understand and appreciate miracles! See, whether you read the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, understand what you can and imbibe that in yourself. Implement the good things you read from these epics in your own ... -
In Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says, “Bow to Me, come take my refuge”. Will this not anger or offend the other gods and goddesses?
No, there is nothing like that. It is all one, they are all the same One Divinity. God is addressed in three different ways – that is, in the first person, second person and third person (here meaning by way of language and grammar). When L ... -
How to surrender and yet take full responsibility?
Forget about surrender! Just know that there is one power which is in control of everything. Seasons are not in your control; the earth moving around the sun and all the planets moving in their orbits are not in your control. Every element on this plane ... -
Gurudev, in surrender, it seems that there is a lack of responsibility. Is that true?
No! Both should go together. You should surrender and take responsibility, or after taking responsibility, you should surrender. How? Like when you watch television, you watch and listen simultaneously. Having surrendered, take full responsibili ... -
Gurudev, I understand grace and surrender completely, and I want to surrender but I am not able to. Please tell me how to.
Listen, don’t worry about surrender and all. What is there to surrender? Why do you struggle with this word surrender? No need to surrender anything I tell you, hold on to everything. God loves you the way you are, and wherever you are, you ... -
Gurudev, when we are asked to surrender, how do we know it is not procrastination or escapism?
Who told you to surrender? I tell you, don’t surrender. Hold on to whatever it is. Do not listen to somebody and surrender. Why do you bother about that? Got it? Still confused? Yes, it is my job to confuse you! (Laughter) Forget about what eve ... -
Is true surrender god given? How can human beings try to achieve it?
For god’s sake, don’t try to surrender. I think this word surrender has been misused so many times that it is scary. So I would say keep that word away somewhere; put it in the lake if you want. Just be natural, simple and don’t try to surr ... -
Since we surrender our botheration, pain and problems to you, are we running away from our responsibilities?
No! You should have a balance there. You give your 100% and then leave the rest. Surrender does not mean running away from responsibilities, it is a sense of assurance in you that yes things are going to be well. ... -
Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita you have asked us to surrender all our negative qualities to you. But how do I surrender my negative qualities when I am not bothered by them.
Yes, only when you feel pinched by your negative qualities, will you feel like surrendering. When there is a wound and you feel pain, only then you feel like surrendering. Then the thought comes, 'Let me surrender this and become empty'. How lon ...