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  1. Coriander: Your in-house doctor

    The power-packed green, that must-have sprinkle of chopped green leaves that zings up your bowl of steaming soup or your favorite pav-bhaji, and also packs a lot of medicinal punch – coriander! All the parts ranging from leaves to stems, seeds and roots a ...
  2. 13 Personality development tips for an incredible personality

    Be it your first job or your third one or an important date, you want to walk wearing an impressive personality on your sleeves. Personality has become an oft-used word in our language. It is that tangible-yet-undefined feature that employers look in job ...
  3. How to meditate: A beginner’s guide

    Meditation is, both, a process and a state of mind. Let us know how to do meditation effectively. Meditation is the process of going inwards. It can happen at any point in time – while you sit cross-legged with your eyes closed, while you are staring at a ...
  4. The glory of waking up according to Ayurveda

    In Sanskrit, the daily routine is called as Dinacharya. ‘Din’ means 'day' and ‘acharya’ means 'to follow' or 'close to'. So, Dinacharya  is an ideal daily schedule taking into account the nature’s cycle. In Ayurveda, the focu ...
  5. Home remedies for Sleep or insomnia

    In our 24/7 society, far too many people see sleep as a luxury rather than a necessity! According to the National Sleep Foundation, 30% to 40% of adults say they have occasional insomnia, and 10% to 15% people say they have trouble sleeping all the time. ...
  6. Ayurveda Cooking

    Prana Pranbhrutamnnam Tadayuktaya Nihanntyasun, Visham Pranaharam Tachcha Yukti Yuktam Rasayanam... (Ayu is life and Veda means knowledge. Knowledge of Life is Ayurveda) Everything absorbed by five senses like Mouth (food, water), Nose (Breath), Ear (Chan ...