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  1. Svatantrata: Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

    Amazing facts about India Perhaps the renowned king, Raja Chandragupta did not know the example he was setting when he successfully threw off the repression of the Nanda tyranny. With the help of the master tactician, Chanakya, the king made a statement a ...
  2. When modern rockets were born in the court of an intrepid Indian king

    Amazing facts about India Modern rockets are popularly attributed to the American, Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard, in whose recognition  the space research center of NASA in the USA has been named, the Goddard Space Flight Center. However, the earliest  sys ...
  3. How Adishesha’s five heads & Ksheer Sagara have a deep cosmic significance

    Amazing facts about India Narayana is always depicted in a reclining form on the bed of a 5-hooded coiled snake called Adishesha in literature, sculpture, and all other art forms.  Normally, a snake has only one head. Why is Adishesha always depicted with ...
  4. When the Vedas sang of the Big Bang theory- even before it was known

    Amazing facts about India The Big Bang Theory that originated in 1927 is a scientific effort to explain how our universe came into existence. It believes that the universe started as an infinitely small, hot, and dense ‘something’ which expanded rapidly f ...
  5. When ancient town planning systems exhibit genius in thinking

    Amazing facts about India The common belief is that the world did not have a structured drainage system until 1800 CE. However, there’s another story in the archaeological Indus Valley sites of the Sindhu Saraswati basin in the North-Western part of India ...
  6. Once upon a time when India had 25% of world trade

    Amazing facts about India From 1 CE all the way through the next two millennia up to 1700 CE, all the large scale industries like mining, metallurgy, textiles, arts, and crafts flourished in India. They boosted trade to such an extent that India held abou ...
  7. Little known facts about Krishna

    Amazing facts about India. * What is the connection between a pillar built by a Greek ambassador and Krishna?  * Did the Yamuna truly part for Vasudev and the infant Krishna?  * Did the legendary city of Dwarka exist? The holy book Srimad-Bhagavad describ ...
  8. When one of the oldest scriptures in the world spoke of gravity

    Amazing facts about India. Sir Issac Newton, the English astronomer, mathematician and physicist, is widely hailed as the person who formulated the laws of gravitation and motion. The story goes that he came up with the concept of gravity under an apple t ...
  9. Fascinating insights into the story of khakhi, red and indigo

    Amazing facts about India. Why did the Pope like the umbrella in India?  Why did the British like pyjamas?  Why is the uniform of the Indian cricket team blue? It’s thrilling, really. To unearth forgotten facts from our forgotten past. To see the past wit ...
  10. If you think you knew a lot about games like snooker and carrom, think again

    Amazing facts about India.​ In which Mughal court did playing cards feature?  What was the original name of badminton? (Clue: It’s the name of a place.) Which Indian state inspired the game of polo? (It’s not what you think!) It’s fun to know the story be ...