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  1. Children of the Bamboo sing a new tune

    For the first time in March 2010, The Art of Living Happiness Programs were conducted in Chad, Africa. The programs were conducted for residents as well as staff at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Mission in the Central A ...
  2. Arresting Stress in Tanzania

    “I have never before experienced such a process in my life. I had very relaxing and amazing experiences. There is no tiredness, there is more peace and I’m able to understand the purpose of life more clearly,” shared Rashid, a young policeman from Tanzani ...
  3. Navi Mumbai Awakens

    February 10, 2012, Navi Mumbai woke up to a pleasantly cool morning, buzzing with the excitement of over a thousand souls setting out to find a different meaning to their lives. This was Mumbai’s largest Part 1 course, with 1150 participants. The course w ...
  4. Artists meditation camp, Bangalore

    Artists meditate and create new colors of ideas on their pallete The Art of Living has been promoting art and culture through its various events. In January 2010, Antarnaad, the musical symphony in Pune, several artists created a symphony of expressions o ...
  5. Sri Lankan Cricket Captain calls upon Sri Sri

    Sri Lankan cricket team captain Kumar Sangakkara thanked Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and The Art of Living for helping the Sri Lankan cricket team to come out of trauma after the Lahore attack. Kumar Sangakara called on Gurudev in Colombo on January 23. ...
  6. Stress Relief Programs In Chad

    In yet another story of bringing peace to people traumatized by war and conflicts, the Art of Living has made it possible for the citizens of the Republic of Chad, a central African country, to experience true peace of mind. Since March 2010, it has condu ...