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  1. World

    The whole world is here for you to enjoy, but when enjoying, don't forget your Self. ...
  2. World

    The whole world is here for you to enjoy, but when enjoying, don't forget your Self. ...
  3. World quote4

    "Just open your eyes, shake your head, and look at what is happening in the world. It is amazing! This universe is amazing!" ...
  4. There seems to be many wars and regional violence happening in the world. What can we do to reduce the violence in the world?

    The root cause of violence is stress and anger. And the only way I know to reduce stress and anger is through meditation, pranyama, Sudarshan Kriya. This is the only way. You can do something with ayurveda, can change the diet… you can do those things, ...
  5. 2012 will be yugantam (end of the world) according to many beliefs. Please speak on that.

    Yugantam is another transition of time. Nothing is going to happen. ...
  6. Dearest Guruji, 19th of March is the day that people are calling the day of the super moon. That is when the moon will be the closest to the earth. Is there a connection with what happened with Japan?

    It’s not exactly that but last year you remember we published a book on the three eclipses by D.K. Hari on consecutive eclipses and how from the history, from Mahabharata times, five thousand years ago, when such a celestial position occur a lot o ...
  7. Why are there so many different philosophies?

    Why not? God loves diversity! What if there was only okra to eat? But you have so many fruits and vegetables. God seems to love diversity. He has created so many of us in different shapes, features and colors. He is definitely not someone uptight waitin ...
  8. Can spirituality save the world?

    What is destroying this world? It’s the greed, jealousy, hatred, narrow mindedness, selfishness, and all these negative emotions and qualities which are destroying the world, right? Because of greed of few people, anger and hatred of few people, l ...