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  1. Gurudev, after wandering and feeling lost for many years, I have found you. Please tell me where do I go ahead from here now.

    See, all that wandering around has gotten you tired. So now that you are here, just relax and be happy. Once you come to my school, then you are here for good, even after you have graduate.Usually in schools when you graduate, you move out. But my s ...
  2. What is the criteria to consider anyone as an avatar (reincarnation)? Sri Krishna is not considered an avatar in many religions other than Hinduism.

    First you should understand what avatar means. Avatar means descending of the divinity, and wherever you find knowledge, divinity has descended there. It is seeing the formless in a form. In Srimad Bhagavatam it is said, the divine ha ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, what is the secret of this life? Is it a game?

    Don’t try to see too much meaning in every little thing, then you are not living life but are simply stuck in concepts and ideas. You should just let go and not find a cause to everything because your understanding is very limited. As we grow, ou ...
  4. Gurudev, what actions should a person do to increase his paatrata (the ability to receive Grace or blessings)?

    Just having the intention to increase one’s paatrata itself does half the job. When this desire arises, then one also understands one’s shortcomings and can make efforts to overcome them. That too happens by itself, just by having thi ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, what do you think of channeling?

    Stay away from it! I think you shouldn't get involved in channeling. You are on a path which is much higher and far superior than the channeling.Channeling is when some spirit comes into your body or somebody's body and says something, and i ...
  6. Many times people talk about seeking something on this path (questions like: Who am I? What is the truth?) I feel like I am not seeking anything, is that okay?

    Yes, because sometimes the seeking is not on a conscious level, but deep inside it is there.Why are you here in the first place? You are here because inside the soul wants something. It wants to connect with itself. So it is there inhe ...
  7. Gurudev, if I ever have to ask you for something, please tell me what is it that I should ask of you?

    Come on, now do I have to tell you this too? You are anyway getting everything in life without asking or running behind it, right? So just relax. ...
  8. Gurudev, how can one achieve all the four aspects of Purushaartha – Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha?

    Both Artha (wealth and material comforts) and Kaama (desire or passion) arise in life from time to time according to one’s needs. Fulfilling those needs to sustain one’s life, yet not getting entangled in too much greed or lust ...
  9. Gurudev in the Yoga Sutras, it is said that by aparigraha (the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness) one gets to know their past lives. Is that true?

    Yes. When you do not receive anything from anyone, not even their abuses, then you are most centered.See, material things are different. When people give you things, it is easy for you to not take it; to deny them. But when people abus ...
  10. The blankness (absence of thought) that we feel when we are with the Guru? Is that the ultimate that we should crave for?

    There is no ‘we should crave for’. It is a natural phenomenon. You want the best, isn't it? Wanting the best is a natural phenomenon for every human being. And it is important to have the faith that only best will come to me ...