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  1. Jai Gurudev. It is said only when your time comes do you meet your Guru. And it is said that the Guru chooses the disciple and not the other way around. Can you talk about this?

    Never mind whomsoever has chosen, once they are there it is okay, right. It can be this way or it can be that way, never mind. ...
  2. Is guru satisfied (TRIPTH) or unsatisfied (ATRIPTH)?

    A student's job is to satisfy the Master. But how can you satisfy someone who is already satisfied? If Guru is satisfied, then your growth is shunned. If Guru is unsatisfied, he's away from the Self. If Guru is satisfied, then what can inspire y ...
  3. Guru Is The Goal

    Guru is nothing but wisdom and love. Guru is that principle which is wisdom and love, and that is awakened in each one who has stepped onto the path. You also call that person a Guru in whom there is no gap between life and wisdom and love. Often one reco ...
  4. Being with the Guru

    People have various reasons to be with a Guru. Broadly they can be put in these 5 catagories. You would like to have your wishes fulfilled and because it is more pleasurable. Everything else looks more painful to you and you come for comfort. You want to ...
  5. Is Guru Responsible?

    Is Guru responsible for your enlightenment? If yes and you don't get awakened, then Guru is to be blamed. And if you get freedom then also the Guru is to be blamed because he has been partial to you. If Guru could set you free, he could have done it ...
  6. Guru's Tidbits

    What to do if your commitment is boring? Commitment has value when things are not so charming. When things are interesting you do not need commitment at all. You never say you are committed to doing something that is very interesting or charming. Learning ...
  7. Quote

    In Sanskrit, the word for gravity is Gurutwakarshan. The earth holds us towards itself by the force of gravity. Without this attraction or love, we would have no base or foundation. Similarly, Gurutva is the basis of our life. The Guru is the guiding ligh ...
  8. Quote

    The Guru is a tatva- an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent principle. Establishing connection with this tatva is the source of greatest strength.   ...
  9. Quote

    God is so generous, so universal, belongs to everybody, the whole creation, all the time, there is no personal connection and love may not happen. In a guru, you can't help but see that love, yet you cannot hold on to it. Through the guru you see the ...
  10. Quote

    In the presence of your Satguru, knowledge flourishes; sorrow diminishes; without any reason joy wells up; lack diminishes, abundance dawns and all talents manifest. ...