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  1. (A member of the audience spontaneously asked a question which was inaudible in the recording)

    You have no choice. Do you have any choice? Sooner or later everybody has to do that. You cannot take credit for your good qualities because that is how you are. Now this sunflower cannot say, ‘I am yellow.’ It didn’t do anything to become yellow. It i ...
  2. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita it is said that Lord Krishna is the Supreme Soul and He alone is everything. And in Shiva Tattva, Shiva is said to be everything. So which of these is the truth?

    Both, because there is no difference between the two. That which is Shiva is Krishna, and the same thing is God and everything else. They are no two, there is only one. There was a Rishi (sage) who believed that Lord Krishna (Hari) and L ...
  3. Why do diseases come into our life? What is their purpose?

    : It is because we are violating the laws of nature. We eat what we should not eat, or eat too much. We do not take good care of the environment. There are so many (telecommunication) towers everywhere. There is so much radiation. All this affects us. Also ...
  4. Dear Guruji, it is said that during the time of the Mahabharata, technology was much more advanced than it is now. What happened? Where did all the progress and advancement disappear? How do we move backward?

    Well, this is a cycle in nature. Everything goes in cycles. There were dinosaurs on this planet, and there were big birds which could be trained. On the back of these big birds they used to build mantaps (halls) and train the birds to go places ...
  5. The Nature of Space is Knowledge

    In a cell phone, you send a message. How does it go and reach another cell phone? So far away and exactly the same words get printed there. From the time you press the button here to send, till it reaches there, how did it travel? In the space! The space ...
  6. Einstein’s special theory of relativity which gives us E=MC2 is based on the fact that the speed of light is the only thing that doesn’t change. Can you say something about that?

    With the discovery of dark matter and dark energy they say that there is a very big difference. Even the measurement of light is only relative, it is not absolute. In that sense, love, light, etc., cannot be measured, it is all part of the Divinity, i ...
  7. Three types of space

    Today I want to tell you about three type of space. One is the external space, in which all the four elements are there. The second type of space is the inner space where thoughts and emotions come from. When you close your eyes – that is inner space. And ...
  8. Why do we take birth and what is the point in taking birth and dying, and then again taking birth?

    Do you know games? I don’t understand why you play games. Why do you play cricket? Somebody runs and throws the ball, then someone bats and throws it again and then to catch it so many people run behind it. What is the meaning of it? If they want ...
  9. Gurdev, are all the five elements equal, or is the space element superior to the other elements?

    Yes, among the five elements, the space element is a little different. Space is just a witness – like the soul. All other four elements exist within the space element. There is no Earth, Water, Air or Fire without Space. The basis of these four ele ...
  10. How can being with nature, which is outside, take us to our nature, which is inside? Can you please elaborate on the connection between nature and spirituality?

    This is called ‘Laya Samadhi’. If you keep observing the sky, keep looking at the sky then at some point the eyes close and all that you feel is sky outside and sky inside. You become black. Similarly you do sun gazing, watch the sunset. You can’t wat ...