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If you cannot meditate, be stupid
If You Are Unable To Meditate, Your Mind Is Chattering Too Much And Nothing Works, Just Feel That You Are A little stupid. Then you will be able to sink deep. Your intellect is a small portion of your total consciousness. If you are stuck in the intellect ... -
Window Shutters
To the degree that you are awake, everything around you brings you knowledge. If you are not awake, then even the most precious knowledge does not make any sense. (Suddenly there was much noise from outside and Kiran went to shut the window.) Gurudev: Awa ... -
Padmanabha- The Lotus Navel
Different organs of our body are governed by different devas. The solar plexus is connected with the sun, that's why it is called "solar" plexus. When the first rays of the sun fall on the solar plexus, it is very good for your body. Doing ...