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Dear Gurudev, you gave me some advice which I did not listen to, and now I regret. Will you please give me another chance?
What do you mean by another chance? Are you asking for another chance to not listen and regret yet again? It is alright, never mind. One mistake happened, it is okay. Now move ahead. I have infinite patience. You can fall down ten times, but at least at ... -
Dear Gurudev, if someone bothers us constantly and we have to bear with that, what should we do in such a situation? How can we increase our patience?
Is this your personal problem or are you asking me an indirect question? And you want me to give a direct answer for an indirect question? (Laughter). How is it possible? You have to see the situation and respond accordingly. If someone is cons ... -
My mom keeps nagging me, what do I do?
Well, that’s her job. She is just checking how strong you are, how patient you are. Mums usually help you to have more patience. Either you do that to your mum, or your mum does that to you. Either you test the patience of your mother or the mother tests y ... -
Gurudev, what is the relevance of tapasya (penance or austerities) in Kali Yuga and how should we understand it?
Tapa helps to purify all the organs of the body and rid them of impurities. The entire body gets cleansed and all the sense organs become stronger with tapa. Tapasya is not done to please God, or to attain self realization, but it ... -
Gurudev, I try communicating with my father, I try to talk to him but he acts freaky. He gets high and creates chaos. I do not know what to do and how to communicate with him. I know he is in lot of pain and problem which is why he is not able to communicate with me or anyone. What do I do?
Win him over with love.You know sometime you should walk the same path as the ones who create chaos and then slowly make them understand and change.Just do this, do not oppose him for two days and do whatever he says. Give him so much love that ... -
How to deal with righteousness without becoming biased? I tend to withdraw myself if I am wrong and that limits my ability to forgive and forget.
All those who get angry do so on the basis of righteousness only. But their idea of righteousness is very limited. All types of things happen in this world, you need patience. Wanting only righteousness, and saying, ‘I want to be right and I want ever ... -
How to deal with righteousness without becoming biased? I tend to withdraw myself if I am wrong and that limits my ability to forgive and forget.
All those who get angry do so on the basis of righteousness only. But their idea of righteousness is very limited. All types of things happen in this world, you need patience. Wanting only righteousness, and saying, ‘I want to be right and I want eve ... -
How can I get purer? Even though I am doing Sadhana, Satsang and Seva, I do not feel very pure. When I see people who are arrogant, rude and proud, especially Art of Living people, I feel very sad. How do I get rid of this?
You are saying two things. One you are saying that others are arrogant, others are not okay; and the other thing you are saying is you are not okay. This is just mirroring; you are mirroring in both sides. I would say if you feel that you are impure, ... -
Gurudev, sometimes, dealing with kids gets so tricky that I tend to lose my patience. Everyday I decide to be calm, but when the situation arises I am not able to control myself. What should I do?
You can’t do anything about it now, you have to live life spontaneously. Do you see what I am saying? It is okay to sometimes lose your temper, never mind. You should leave a little room for imperfection in life, and start accepting. What did you lea ... -
Gurudev, how to increase Vishnu Shakti?
By increasing your patience level. Now, how to increase patience? That I will tell you next year. ...