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What to do when people from your social scene talk about you from a space of judgement?
Let them do what they want to do. Why are you bothered about it? Let them judge you, so what? Nothing is going to change because they say something. What is due to you will come to you, what is to happen to you will happen to you, and that's i ... -
Gurudev, I have low self-esteem. I criticize myself and others. How to work with my ego? I notice it happens when my energy is low but is it possible to get rid of it for good?
You can get rid of it right now, this moment, otherwise there is no chance. Are you ready for it? If it is ever possible, it’s possible now in this moment, and that's it. .Remove this label that you have put on your own head that I have ... -
Gurudev, why do we have a VIP table in the ashram? Why a few people can serve themselves as much as they want without thinking about the others.
Well, you find a reason and tell me, I don't know. I have no idea. People are in silence, so it would be good for guests to be in another separate table, away from those who are in silence. So why not? Don't get into these small things. ... -
Gurudev, I work in the entertainment industry which is full of many unconscious and inconsiderate people. As someone who meditates and is trying to lead a spiritual life, what advice do you have to better thrive in these circumstances?
You have a very good market there. You have a very good job to do. You have a big opportunity. If you are in that industry, you do not want to move away from there. Stay put there and influence people around you to be more conscious, more loving and mor ... -
My intellect is distracting me.
Who is saying this? It is your intellect. Your intellect is giving its judgment on itself. Tell your intellect that it is wrong to pass a judgment on oneself. You need another judge to pass a judgment! If a judge passes a judgment on himself or herself, ... -
Gurudev, I have observed that all your devotees are very sweet when they are at a course, or in a satsang, but when they go out in the world, things change. It seems like nobody wants to take the pains to be like you. Gurudev, please design another course to create more people like you.
Well listen, don’t judge others. You never know what they are going through, how they feel and how they are inside.You look at yourself. If you have not changed, see why, and if you have changed, then you have understood the course.It is i ... -
Gurudev, what is action in inaction and inaction in action?
It is very clear. This is the whole secret. When you are acting with hundred percent attention, something in you tells, ‘I am not doing it, I am not acting. It is just happening'. How many of you have had this experience? (Many in the audience rais ... -
Dearest Gurudev, when I meet anybody, judgments come automatically. How to feel unconditional love for everybody?
No, you can’t feel unconditional love, it’s impossible. The more you try to feel, the more it will be a far-fetched reality. Just relax, be natural. The moment you realized that you are judging, the judgment has already disappeared. ... -
When we meet someone for the first time, opinions and judgments are formed naturally. We like someone in the first meeting and we dislike some people for no reason at all. Why is it so Gurudev?
That is how it is. The world functions on vibrations and we all work on vibration. Some people’s vibrations are more pleasant and you respond to it easily. Some others’ vibrations are a little repulsive. When you very centered, you will not find anybo ... -
When I see this world of humans, I don't see a world which cares for me or anybody. There is goodness in them but largely they are driven by their weakness, greed and insecurity. Looking at what people are doing to the Earth and to each other one cannot disagree. I am very willing to believe when you say that everything is made out of love, but sometimes I find it hard to sympathize with this world. I think it is this disgust that flips the switch one day and makes people decide to become terrorists, or to start killing randomly, or rape someone innocent. How do I continue to care for this world?
Any question can have only one correct answer. There cannot be two correct answers. If this is a question, I would like you to keep looking for an answer. But, instead of seeing this as a question, if you see it as a path, you can tread on ...