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  1. When you are with me, then why do I always suffer? Why is there misery in my life?

    I think you don't realize that you have help. Let me ask you, how can there be suffering all the time? If it is always, you can't feel it. You can feel suffering only in contrast. And just remember, whenever you had some pain or suffering, you c ...
  2. Gurudev, if someone is miserable due to their own karma despite doing sadhana, seva and satsang, then what can they do in such a situation?

    See, misery never exists without a reason. So just surrender the reason behind your misery to the Divine. Whatever it is that is making you suffer and miserable, just offer it to your Guru, or to the Divine or to someone you love very dearly. That&rsquo ...
  3. Gurudev, I have been very regular with my sadhana, seva and satsang for many years now. Despite this, I have been going through financial difficulties for the past three years and am very disturbed. Please advise.

    Everything will be alright in time. There may be some delay but it will surely happen. These difficulties will not last for long.See, the entire country is going through financial trouble. Our industrialists have been facing various financial diffic ...
  4. When I look around, I see only misery, hate, anger, greed and meaningless violence. How do you know there is a higher power?

    See, the nature of our mind is when we see misery we magnify it. If ten complements are given to you and one insult is given to you, what you usually do is, you catch hold of that one insult and blow it out of proportion.My dear, I wou ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, why is it that I find pleasure in misery, and an unwillingness in my mind to let go of it?

    This is my question to you. It is not normal to find pleasure in misery. It does not reflect a very normal state of mind, and it is not healthy. It is not difficult to overcome this. Do not think that it is difficult to get rid of this state. ...
  6. Gurudev, Buddhists say they do not believe in God. Even Lord Buddha said that we must not worship idols. Now He too was an enlightened being, so what did he mean by that?

    Lord Buddha never talked about God. He never really entertained any discussion on God. What He said was – the first thing is to realize that there is misery. People keep denying there is misery, many don’t even recognize it. Many a time if you talk to a si ...
  7. Gurudev, I’ve heard Gayatri mantra being played on tapes in public. How important is it to get initiated?

    We will go into all those details some other time. Ga-ya-tri – there are three types of misery. We have three bodies, the gross body, the subtle and the causal body. And in all the three levels there is misery. The human life has to cross-over ...
  8. How does one come out of the cycle of birth and death?

    Why do you want to come out of it? Because you find it miserable, right? But when life is blissful, then you coming back to the planet will help a lot of people on this planet in the future. So why shouldn’t you come back? Suppose I come back next ti ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, how can I be grateful for a person, for all his help and care. How to say to him that I want to follow my own path, without hurting him?

    Do it skillfully. Now don’t ask me, what is the skill? Remember this one verse, it is very useful, Three doors to hell. There are three doors to hell – Lust, Greed and Anger. If greed takes over, it is going to put you ...
  10. Last August, I lost all the gold that I had. I am not able to concentrate. This haunts me, especially during Kriya.

    Something had to happen, it has happened. Our body will also be taken away one day. Know this and be peaceful. What is gone is gone. What can be done about it? The British took away 900 shiploads of Gold from our country. Hundred crore people could ...