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  1. Gurudev, you have said, “Excitement of achievement can make us loose our centeredness”. Obviously, you would not want us to underachieve. What is the way to be an achiever and be centered?

    That you have to figure out. I would say 3 C’s would help.1. Context to life. When you see your life in a bigger context, you will be so amazed that things will shift naturally inside you. In this huge universe with bill ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, I find it difficult to get the right balance of focus on earning income to support my family and doing seva. Is there a formula to this that you recommend?

    Do you know how to ride a bicycle? How do you balance? Exactly like that. If you are doing service for the society, and you are getting drowned in it, and you are neglecting your family, something will pinch you – listen to that pinch. Simi ...
  3. Gurudev, I am a Chartered Accountant and I go to the premises of many businessmen. I have noticed that when we treat them as family members they start taking advantage of that privilege. How to come out of that situation?

    Yes, you need some skill here. You must create a sense of togetherness and belongingness but don’t let anyone take advantage of it. That is a skill.You must not get carried away with your emotions but must use your intellect too. ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, how to find a balance? I am attracted to spirituality but also the material world.

    It is okay, they are not in opposition. You should have balance in life. Work hard, earn money, save it and save some time for meditation.People who are ambitious, who work hard and make money, don’t forget to brush their teeth or eat their fo ...
  5. How should one balance life between social service, business and responsibilities at home?

    Do you all drive cars here in Bahrain? Yes! When you drive a car what do you do? You look at the side mirrors, rear view mirror and you look in the windshield as well. How do you balance all three?You can’t say, 'I will only look at the re ...
  6. In Narada Bhakti Sutra, you have said that measure your mind with your heart and understand your heart with your mind. I am unable to understand this, please explain.

    Just give them equal importance in life. Take both of them along with you, and remember that neither is lesser than the other. ...
  7. Is this the right place for me? There is no way back to normal life. Even my husband who loves me couldn’t accept my activities in The Art of Living. He’s afraid that I’m going mad!

    Balance things. Don’t scare anybody. You need to balance life. Make people understand. This (The Art of Living) is not abnormal, this is a normal life; to be happy, to be centered and to spread the message of joy and happiness. We need to improv ...
  8. Gurudev, being on the spiritual path, sometimes makes me inefficient at my work place. How do I balance the two?

    Then drop the spiritual path; be efficient in your working place. Why do you want to do something that would make you inefficient? The spiritual path is meant to make you more efficient. If it is making you inefficient, just wash your hands off. Say ‘Bye ...
  9. How do I find the right balance between striving for improvement and being contented with who I am and what I am doing?

    Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Exactly like that! When you want to have balance, you will definitely have it. Just this thought, 'I want to balance my life', is good enough. You are already moving in that direction. Now when this question ari ...
  10. Gurudev, as a youth, I feel drawn to the peace and tranquility around you and the world seems to be the exact opposite of that. If I disengage from the world and become a Sanyasi (renunciate), would it mean that I am running away from my responsibilities?

    A Sanyasi is not running away from responsibility, it is taking more responsibility. It is like taking responsibility of the whole world, that is what a Sanyasi is. Just now I was telling to our Ashramites (people who stay at ...