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  1. The suicide rate in Korea is very high. The children of Korea are growing up in an environment where there is too much competition and very less culture and spirituality. Please send us your words of wisdom.

    When energy goes down you get depressed and when it goes further down suicidal tendencies arise. Through proper breathing exercises, some meditation and through good and loving company energy can go up. Usually when we have some negative things in our ...
  2. What is the difference between dispassion, detachment and indifference?

    Why do you want a definition for these three words? You know it! It is you who gives meanings to these words, isn’t it? Be passionate for something higher. Be attached to virtues; if you think you have some. Be indifferent to anybody insulti ...
  3. Gurudev, no matter what I do to please my husband he is never happy. He keeps finding faults in me. What should I do?

    If you know that this is his habit then why are you getting so disturbed? Accept him and move on. Keep yourself happy. If you do not get disturbed by his behaviour then he will start to change. Every person has some or the other negative quality in t ...
  4. My work includes building maintenance. I have a few 100 people working for me as staff. This kind of work it is not appreciated by the society. So when the economy goes down, we can’t pay much to the employees. I try to motivate these people, other than money. However, there are some who keep complaining or are unhappy. How can I maintain peace and happiness?

    Money alone cannot bring success or happiness. You need to do something different. Teach people how they can handle their own negative emotions. Our teachers are here and we can have a program for your employees, especially for those who are always negat ...
  5. I try really hard, but I can't seem to get rid of negative thoughts?

    That is the problem. When negative thoughts come, don’t chase them. If you chase them, then they come back with a big army. Just shake hands with them, say, ‘Come on, sit with me.’ Then they will disappear. These are the reasons we need to learn to med ...
  6. Gurudev when will all the negative thoughts go away?

    They won’t go away, they will stay! What are you going to do? You have to live with them! There is no chance to get rid of them. The best thing to do is to make friends with them, shake hands with them, and make them sit next to you. If they are on yo ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, my husband loves me a lot, and still he does not miss a single opportunity to count my negative qualities. My enthusiasm goes down. What should I do?

    You should behave differently. Give him a surprise. If he counts your negative qualities, you shower a lot of love, affection, and praises on him! Tell him, ‘Wow, you said it absolutely right! This is what I wanted to hear!’ Don’t react the same ...
  8. Gurudev, you ask us to be dispassionate. How can I be dispassionate about you? I love you and the attachment keeps growing every day.

    If this attachment helps you to move away from other unwanted things, then it is okay. If it gives you a focus, it is fine. But if it is causing jealousy, anger, greed and all those negative emotions, you better work on yourself. Go deep into yourself ...
  9. My son has been diagnosed with bipolar for five years. He is my only son and I have been suffering every moment of his pain. I was a very happy woman before this but now I am on 150mg of anti-depressants. Now, I want you to assure me there will be no sicknesses like manic depression or any other sicknesses that are incurable.

    Yes, I understand your pain. Sometimes a little depression comes and a person is given heavy doses of medicines and then it becomes worse. I have seen this happening. Small simple depression turns into manic depression and then they put them on L ...
  10. What should I do if the stress factor is coming from outside. If it is something I do not control or it is beyond me. How do I transmit peace?

    That is why we need to educate people on how to handle their stress. If one person is not well in the family, does it not affect the whole family? Yes, it does affect. Similarly, if a few are mentally unwell in the society, crime increases in society. ...