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How to stay in the present?
First of all, you must know that my mind is wandering, then, half the job is done! The second thing is, take out a little time for yourself - just 15 seconds in between. I want to share a little story with you. There was an executive who said th ... -
I am sure that, we all at some point, have gone through some difficult situations. Is it one's fate or should it be left to God's will. What should one do?
Dwelling on the past events and worrying about it does not benefit you at all. Just believe that whatever has happened in the past, that was your fate. Whatever is going to happen in the future is your own freewill and live happily in the present. ... -
It is said in the Vedas, knowledge came from Hayagriva, the man with a face of a horse. What is the significance of horse in the scriptures?
Horse is called Ashwa. Shwa means yesterday or tomorrow. Ashwa means now. So the word 'now' in Sanskrit, is the same as horse. That one word, Ashwa has two meanings: 1. Now or the present ... -
Yama is also called Dharmaraj. How is death linked to Dharma?
Death is not just a happening once in awhile. Every moment the past is dead, and the present is what life is all about. When you are in the present moment, that is dharma. Death relieves you of your past and brings you to the present moment. ... -
Sometimes I tend to see through a colored vision, based on my past experiences. How do I manage to remain unbiased?
The moment you realise, ‘I am biased’, you are already out of it. In the present moment, you are innocent; you are out of whatever has passed.You should not sit and analyse yourself too much, may be you have too much free time. When yo ... -
The terrorist organizations kill people with full awareness. So can we still say that the present moment is joyful?
Look, they are doing something with a wrong understanding. They think that if they kill somebody here then they are going to go to heaven. They think that they are doing God’s work here. This is their conviction. How can you say it is joyful momen ... -
Dear Gurudev, how do I help my adult children to forget about our past and be loving again?
As I said, don’t ask for explanations of the past. Don’t say, "Let us sit and talk it out". Don’t do this. I am not for this at all. When people have misunderstandings, they say, "Let us talk it out". This & ... -
How to manage to stay in the present moment on a day to day basis?
First of all, we are always in the present. We are in the present, we only have to bring our mind to the present. When you appreciate the beauty of something, you are in the present moment. When you are concerned about an issue, you are in the p ... -
Gurudev, there are two aspects to the present moment. One is that it is vast and infinite, as well as deep. There are so many things happening at the same instant. What is its other dimension or dimensions? Can you please explain?
That is correct. The present moment is not linear, it is spherical. It is both vast and deep. There are infinite dimensions to the present moment. When you go deep in meditation, you experience this and realize that everything is in this moment only. -
Gurudev, on the spiritual path I hear this term ‘presence’ very often. What is presence? Is it just a state of mind?
See, presence is presence. If you ask me, what is the ear and how does it compare with the eyes, what can I say? Suppose someone is talking and your mind is elsewhere then you are not present. I can explain your absence. When you are present that means you ...