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  1. How to face Rahu and Shani Mahadasha (astrological planetary positions that bring forth a very hard phase of time)?

    Don’t think that Rahu Dasha or Shani Dasha are bad. If you are on the spiritual path, and if you practice meditation, all these Dashas will do only good things to you. People think the Shani Dasha is very bad. Shani Dasha pushes you toward ...
  2. In the Indian Jyotish Shastra, they speak of nine planets, i.e., Navagraha. Science has revealed that there are more than nine planets. Also, why are the Sun and the Moon called planets? Is this scientific?

    The Sun definitely affects the planet Earth, so does the Moon. Though the moon only reflects the light of the sun, its energy affects the water, and the mind. This is scientifically proven, which is why when someone goes crazy, they are called lunatics. ...
  3. Today I had the Naadi leaf reading done here. I am fascinated how someone so long ago can knows of my existence.

    Consciousness is more ancient than the stones, and it has all the impressions (Akashic records) there. In ancient days, teachers used to tell the students, "In 2015 someone is going to be born at this time and at this place -- write about it". ...
  4. People say there is something called Manglik Dosha. What does it mean and how do I get rid of it?

    See, Manglik basically means that the person is a little hot-headed, that's all. All these planetary positions indicate your physical and mental status, and they can always be remedied by meditation and chanting. All these remedial factors ex ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, is astrology always true?

    Astrology is a road map only. What you are sitting here for, meditation and spirituality, is one step higher than astrology. Spirituality has the power to bestow and grant wishes. Astrology only predicts what might happen, not what will happen. ...
  6. Gurudev, Astrology is regarded as the eyes of the Vedas. Does our life really depend on the position and movements of the planets and stars?

    Every particle in this Creation is related to us and our life. So it is not just the stars on the screen (here jokingly referring to movie stars), but all the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies have an effect on our lives.It is sai ...
  7. What is your opinion on Astrology and the universe?

    Astrology is the study of connection between macrocosm and the microcosm. Everything in this universe is connected. But astrology is not fatalistic. It is about probabilities. It just gives you a road map. It gives you an idea or an overview of how thin ...
  8. How can we know, according to astrology, that we are going through an obscure time in our life? How long does the planet Saturn affect someone?

    Astrology is a science pertaining to the connection between the macrocosm and the microcosm. It speaks about how the far away planets like Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto are connected to our planet, our human existence, and the entire creation, ranging ...
  9. Gurudev, our horoscope is based on our birth time. If the birth time is unknown, does that mean our horoscope is wrong?

    If the timing is correct, interpretation is right. You can never say that it is 100% right. There is a probability of it being 80%-90% correct. And there is always an adrushya (invisible), i.e., an unknown influence. It can happen anytime ...
  10. What is the difference between Spirituality and Astrology?

    Well, spirituality is related to the Atma (soul) and astrology is related to planets. Astrology deals with observing the movements of the planets and making calculations related to the events that are yet to happen.The science of Vastu is rel ...