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  1. Dearest Gurudev, what is your understanding of Asperger’s Syndrome, otherwise known as High-functioning Autism. My loved one has just been diagnosed.

    I can’t comment on it as I have not studied this disease in-depth. Someone should do deep research on autism as to why so many kids are being diagnosed with the condition these days, especially in America. It has become a very big issue there. ...
  2. Why is the percentage of autistic kids growing?

    The stress of the parents. Parents are very stressed and that affects the children. Stress is one of the main cause. The second is food, that can also have an effect. ...
  3. In my culture (in Paraguay), it is common that when a child misbehaves, parents punish them. Is it not some form of abuse or violence? What do you feel about this?

    Parents should, I won’t use the word punish, but discipline the children, within some limitations. It should not be in excess.There is a difference between discipline and punishment. You can’t be violent and justify it as disciplining. A ...
  4. If children are busy attending six hours of school, and then four more hours of tuition classes, how and when can they get the time to enhance their talents? How can the education system be reformed?

    I suggest you to make them regularly practice a little Pranayama and to meditate daily. They will not feel the need for tuition classes anymore. If you really have to, then one hour of tuitions is more than sufficient for them. To enhance their intellig ...
  5. Gurudev, Lord Krishna started breaking the pots filled with butter in others’ houses because children did not get sufficient milk and butter at that time. The same situation is prevalent even today. What should we do?

    Well, the butter was stored in pots that were kept at a height and out of the children’s reach, which is why Lord Krishna would climb up and break the pots. This story is also a kind of symbolism. Today it is everyone’s duty to provide children with what t ...
  6. Nowadays there is an increase of anger and rage in the children towards their parents. What can be done towards this?

    What to do! Just keep them busy in music, knowledge and service. If they start doing this early on in their childhood and growing years, then the anger and such tendencies will be reduced. ...
  7. What is peace and how can we implement the principles of peace in our life through our religion, culture and family and in our education system starting from kindergarten?

    We need to learn a lot from children. We need to make them understand that they should make one new friend every day. If you ask forty fifty kids in a classroom how many friends they have, they can usually count them on their fingers, and they stay wi ...
  8. Gurudev, are you saying children should not play video games?

    I don’t say that they should never play any video games. There are many brain teaser games that children should play. I would suggest we avoid the violent video games.Their little mind does not know the difference between the virtual wor ...
  9. We see a lot of children with allergies and run down immune systems. Little children don’t have stress. Is there anything in our life-styles which we can change to help them?

    Sure. Don’t put children in front of televisions and video games for a long time. Their little brains get bombarded with impressions for too long. It affects their eye-sight; brings in Attention Deficiency Syndrome, and other things. So, children shou ...