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What can I do to not feel anxiety in the face of terrorism?
The news of so many incidences of violence happening again and again should not make us numb. This is important. We tend to become numb toward these violent incidents that happen around us. We should be cautious; we should keep our sensitivity.Kee ... -
You have mentioned that the education is essential in order to combat terrorism. Could you please shed light on how we can educate someone who doesn't feel the need of being educated?
Skill. This is where your skilfulness comes into play. How skilfully you can manoeuvre the situation.Education is not just the technical education. When people say that education is the antidote to terrorism, I don't agree with them because when y ... -
How do you connect to the different sections of society so easily and make spirituality relevant to them? Do you think that ISIS can be reformed through spirituality too?
I never lose hope in anything. I only wish that everyone gets a taste of this. See, deep inside, everyone is a human being. If you keep aside your concepts and if you keep aside your intellect which has shrouded the beautiful soul, you will see ... -
How do you connect to different sections of society? Do you think ISIS can be transformed?
I never loose hope. See, deep inside everyone is human being. If you keep aside the ideology then everyone is same inside. I have Malice to none. I have hatred to none. People who engage in violence are mentally, spiritually and emotionally sick. A doct ... -
How do we de-radicalize them?
Our experience in many places is that when we put them through Sudarshan Kriya and meditations, something opens up in them.You know about the Al Qaeda man who was caught in Mumbai? It was all over the newspapers in the last decade. This man who ca ... -
With today’s news of terrorist attack in Brussels, I am starting to feel that Europe is becoming an unsafe place. How we stay fearless and strong in such circumstances? And how can we as teachers contribute to the betterment of this situation.
We have to de-radicalize the world. To me, the only way out of this is to make available this spiritual knowledge in schools and colleges; in madrassas (Islamic religious schools). Today, there are seminaries (theological institutions) and ... -
(A member of the audience asked a question relating to terrorism, but it was inaudible)
The horrible crimes that people are doing today, is very unfortunate. We need to have pity on these people. They have not gotten proper education. They are victims of the education system. Just imagine, you were born in that place and you ... -
Gurudev, what do you think about the massacre of the journalist of Charlie Hebdo (French satirical weekly magazine) in France, and what is the cause of all these terrorist attacks in Europe?
Ignorance. Utter ignorance. People should have the freedom of expression. Let them say whatever they want to say. This is an inhuman act. See, on one hand you feel pity and compassion for these people because they have never had exposure to true ... -
Gurudev, will discussions and dialogue yield solutions with terror groups like the ISIS, the Taliban, etc.?
I think we must keep making our efforts to stretch out our hand out for dialogue with these people. Whether it gives results or not is too soon to say, before we can even act in that direction. ... -
Where is God when ISIS militants are killing innocent people mercilessly?
He must be sleeping somewhere. We have to wake him up. Godliness is there in everyone, it is sleeping, especially where the ISIS incidents are happening.It is really painful. Today also there was an attack in a mosque in Peshawar, Pakistan. ...