A FREE, 3-day yoga challenge


Happy Heart | Healthy Gut | Strong Spine

May 26 - 28, 2023

Time: 07:00 - 08:00 Morning/Evening

Anti-aging & Inner Radiance with Yoga


Yoga for Anti-Aging

Aging is not just skin-deep! Good inner health is the key to manage aging. Welcome to Yoga for Anti-aging, a FREE 3-day challenge to introduce yogic fitness values and healthy habits into your life. Join the yoga experts of Sri Sri Yoga, the Art of Living. Improve your overall health naturally with a few minutes of yoga every day.

Take Up the Challenge

Benefits for attendees

Attendees will avail

  • FREE lifetime membership of the Sri Sri Yoga challenge community
  • FREE monthly webinars on niche topics with yoga and lifestyle experts
  • Occasional Patanjali Yoga Sutra sessions
  • Special offers for daily yoga classes of mini programs
  • Early bird offers on next programs

Flow of the events

Yoga for Healthy Heart

Day-1: May 26

Cardiovascular diseases are fatal. They also impair normal lives.
LEARN how Yoga boosts the heart health and also complements traditional treatment procedures.

Yoga for Gut Health

Day-2: May 27

Poor gut health causes digestive issues, autoimmune problems and insomnia.
LEARN how Yoga improves gut health and complements treatment for digestive disorders.

Yoga for Stronger Spine

Day-3: May 28

Joint pain, headache, stiff back, muscle spasm and fatigue are a few signs of poor spinal health.
LEARN how Yoga uplifts spinal health to make you more active.

Gurudev & Yoga

Yoga is very ancient and people today are discovering its benefits in almost every aspect of life. Spiritual and humanitarian leader, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar played a pivotal role in drawing global attention towards yoga. In 2011, Gurudev gave a clarion call urging the world to mark a Yoga Day to raise awareness about yoga. The United Nations declared June 21st as the International Day of Yoga in 2014.

“A disease-free body, a violence-free society, a confusion-free mind, an inhibition-free intellect, a trauma-free memory, a sorrow-free soul and a quiver-free breath is the impact that yoga can make in your life.”

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The Art of Living, a volunteer-based holistic educational and humanitarian organization founded by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, is realizing Gurudev’s vision of a violence-free and stress-free society through Sri Sri Yoga, its sister concern. Flagship yoga programs of Sri Sri Yoga have positively touched the lives of millions across the world.

Sri Sri Yoga | The Art of Living

Sri Sri Yoga’s mission is to offer you the best of yoga and science. We are fortunate that revered sages of ancient India had made deep studies in yoga. At Sri Sri Yoga, we have integrated the best philosophies and techniques of yoga to meet the requirements of the changing times.

Moments to remember






May 26 - 28, 2023

Language: English, Hindi

Contribution: Free

Timings: 07:00 AM - 08:00 AM





May 26 - 28, 2023

Language: English, Hindi

Contribution: Free

Timings: 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Frequently Asked Questions

About The Art of Living


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