
" Pranayama is an ancient breathing technique that originates from Indian yogic practices. It has recently gained popularity worldwide because of its many health benefits. Pranayama involves channeling energy to every cell of our body. It is simple and about right breathing, as how we breathe greatly influences our body and mind as fresh oxygen reaches every body organ, revitalizing every body part. Pranayama practice trains your mind to deep breathe in, hold it, and then long breathe out. Pranayama is the best exercise to improve your lung capacity for respiratory endurance and to heal your respiratory ailments. With regular practice, the inflation and deflation of the lungs reach their full potential. Improved quality of life has been reported in cancer patients who practice Pranayama, with improved emotions, fatigue, sleep, and reduced stress. Anxiety reduction has also been observed in patients with cardiovascular diseases. In patients with hypertension, both Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure were managed with Pranayama practices. Pranayama balances the digestive system, helps to manage weight, increases life span, boosts concentration and memory and gives a natural glow to your skin. The spiritual benefit of pranayama aids you in slipping into meditation effortlessly. Hence, the available evidence from controlled studies indicates both physiological and psychological benefits of Pranayama. Know more about Prana and Pranayama in this section.

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