Seeking Bliss Among the Honks and Hisses
November 15, 2015
"rejuvenating participants physically, mentally, and emotionally" - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the NYT
February 22,2024
The Art of Living volunteers in Europe reach out to stranded Indian students and Ukrainian refugees
February 28,2022
Bosch India partners with The Art of Living to launch state-of-the-art skilling facility
November 9,2020
Peshmerga Forces Who Secure The High Tension Borders of Kurdistan, Now Have An Indian Connect
July 10,2019
June 28,2019
June 28,2019
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to address AAPI delegates during AAPI Convention in Ohio
May 10,2018
Over 2,000 AAPI delegates and their families who will attend the 2018 AAPI Annual Convention& Scientific Assembly in Columbus, Ohio will have an authentic experience of yoga and meditation with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on July 5th, 2018. “We are so fortunate to have Gurudev, who travels the world sharing wisdom and insights on a number of timely and important topics, and is a world –renowned author of books that teach and inspire, has agreed to grace us with his presence and enlighten us all with his wisdom.
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Words From Our Founder

November 15, 2015
Amid the debate over alleged rise in intolerance in the country, spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar today said there should be intolerance against rising pollution and injustice ...

Unknown Lessons from the Mahatma
October 1, 2015
Gandhi Jayanti is an occasion to reflect on what we can learn from Gandhiji. Everyone’s life teaches us both what to do and what not to do. The ideals that Gandhiji set are an inspiration ...

Overcoming Challenges to Peace
September 19, 2015
There are usually two sides to a civil conflict and no matter who strikes first, eventually both sides are wounded. Conflict arises in the first place because both sides stick to their stand, yet to ...

Fanaticism: Rational or Irrational
September 8, 2015
Life is unfathomable but people attempt to fathom it through diverse perspectives. Owing to its broad social, cultural and economic spectrum, nowhere is this diversity of beliefs as ...