
10 ways to become
more intuitive

Do you hear yourself often, ‘only if I were more intuitive’? Especially when you are  at crossroads of life, where you do not know where to go. Or during times of trouble, when you are desperately looking for an answer but your inner voice seems to be as unresponsive as a dormant volcano. 

Yet, intuition is not just a torchlight in the darkness. It is a tool that can help make better decisions at work and in relationships. It can also help you create a life that is uninfluenced by your and society’s prejudices and biases. 

Fortunately enough, there are concrete ways to enhance the subtle power of intuition. 

Still the mind

We all have intuitive abilities. We all have that tiny voice that tries to guide us through life. However, the world fills our head with so many thoughts that we eventually lose the habit of listening to that voice. A daily meditation practice is a way to still your mind every day. When you silence your thoughts every day, you are able to listen to your inner voice with more clarity and ease.


Acknowledge the limitation of logic

Our logic depends on the knowledge that we perceive from our senses. This makes our knowledge limited. Our logic cannot be beyond what we know. Thus, logic and knowledge are intertwined in the same pool. When we recognize the universe and the truth are beyond that, we give a chance to our intuition.

Practice Sun Salutations

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutations are a set of 12 yoga postures. Its regular practice affects a mass of nerves in your stomach called the solar plexus that directly influences your intuitive abilities. 

Feel contented

Whether we like it or not, desires bring mental noise and restlessness which don’t allow intuition to shine forth. Simply because this subtle power thrives on silence. Feeling contented is one way to satiate restlessness and cut unnecessary noise. You may wonder, how is it possible to feel content just like that? According to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the answer is being of service. As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says, “When a few people get comfort and relief because of you, then the happiness and contentment that you experience cannot be expressed in words.”

The Art of Living Meditation and Breath workshop has the perfect combination of asanas, pranayama, and meditation to enhance your well-being. Experience the benefits now.

Tend to your gut health

Numerous studies have shown the connection between the gut and the brain. A healthy gut promotes intuition, wisdom, and the feeling of positivity. You can strengthen your gut by reducing stress and supplementing your diet with good bacteria. You can minimize stress from your life with yoga, meditation, proper sleep and diet.

Pay attention

Be more observant of the world around you and within you (the mind-body complex). As you pay more attention, your mind will be more rooted in the present and mental noise will reduce. Intuition thrives on the practice of attention and quiet.

Engage in right-brain activity

While the left-brain is involved in analysis and logical thinking, the right-brain promotes intuitive thinking and creativity. As the left side of the brain promotes thoughts, it can create noise when overactive. To silence the left side of your brain and activate the right side, you can get involved in creative pursuits and listen to music regularly or especially when you find yourself overthinking.

Slow down

If you feel tired or burnt out, your intuition is likely to weaken. On the other hand, a refreshed mind is the perfect home to intuition. To slow down and rejuvenate, get away from the world, and relax for a while. Go on a sabbatical, a retreat, an unplanned holiday, or spend time with nature. A treat to your soul is fuel to your intuition.

Focus on your values

Our minds are sensitive beings of their own. They get muddled in the world and get trapped in a vicious cycle of negativity. Negative thoughts clog our intuition. Yet, a focus on values like kindness, forgiveness, contentment helps one break the cycle of negativity. Keep a focus on these values and allow your intuition to blossom.

Be comfortable with your intuition

Many times, we ignore our intuition or run away because of the fear of the unknown. However, intuition is like a shy child. It will only blossom if you pay heed and allow it to blossom.


Include daily meditation in your routine. Learn the art of effortless meditation in the Sahaj Samadhi program.

Based on inputs by Prema Sheshadri, Faculty, The Art of Living 

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