
Here’s how you can quicken your decision making at a crossroads

Kya karen ki na karen ye kesi mushkil hay?… Is this your situation too? Never mind. Let us look into this matter for better clarity and solution.

Is your mind constantly at a crossroads? 

Whether to accept or reject love, to quit or continue the job, which business to explore, which school or college to select for children, which device to purchase, to travel by train or flight or road, whom to invite for marriage, how to continue relationships with relatives, to reply or to yell at, etc. The list 📜 is endless. Yes or no?

Low hanging fruits

We tend to pick the fruit hanging at the lowest point on a tree as it is the easiest to pick! One school of thought says that it is better to go for the low-hanging fruit first. You can work better later to pick the fruit that is higher. Another school of thought says not to initially pick the low-hanging fruit. You can take it anytime. Be courageous and first fetch the fruit that is higher from the ground. It all depends on your life priorities. Do you want the fruit anyhow or do you want to test your valor and grow?

The one way to help you make better decisions discusses point-wise the extrinsic and intrinsic factors or priorities that hinder good decision making.

On the fence 

We find ourselves on a fence only when we decide between two good things. The choice between good and bad is never confusing. You always choose the good. Between two good choices, the wisdom is to select the one with long-term happiness and short-term challenges. Discard the choice with short-term happiness and long-term problems. To illustrate this point, practicing yoga and meditation may seem tedious now, but has lifelong benefits. To dive in that ice cream tub has great taste, but an excess of anything is harmful. Got it?

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

The things people do not have always seem more appealing to them than things they have. We need to become aware when our minds pull us towards things that others possess and discard the choice if it stems from a sense of greed or envy. The decision making process becomes smooth and non-regretful with this wisdom. 

Make choices based on necessity and not pleasure

Choices should be made based on necessities and not desires. For example, between water and a sandwich, you will choose water when you are thirsty. If the choice is between water and juice, and you think, “Which one will give me more joy?”, then your desire to enjoy pleasure makes your choice very difficult. When you are not so much after pleasure, you say, “Nevermind, now I will take water. Later, the juice will do.” You will feel at ease with it.

No strings attached

Where there are no restrictions or expectations, decision making is easy and attached with loads of happiness. In a relationship, when no strings are attached, the purpose of a relationship is only for togetherness and companionship. Then the relationship blossoms.

At the end of the day

While making any decision, it is always important to consider everything and the eventuality. For example, in business, you consider all the facts before an important decision. The decision taken is correct only if one significant parameter is analyzed. The parameter is to get along with the supplier or customer for mutual benefits, for a long duration.

Light at the end of the tunnel

In the most crucial times, the slightest light can propel you to make the right decision. Here, you need to recognize the light of possibility, the ray of hope. For instance, although 97 years old, an old lady could see light at the end of the tunnel and had begun to feel enthusiastic about the end of the pandemic. She decided to celebrate life on her grandson’s marriage.

Making decisions in difficult times

As soon as you decide upon something from the available options, that decision making gives direction to your life. Yes or no? Indecisiveness will lead you nowhere. Sometimes, the situation might be conducive for you to manifest your choice. At other times, however, the situation may not be that easy. In such a difficult situation, if you still make a decision with a positive frame of mind, holding on to love and enthusiasm, then dharma will manifest in your life. Practice dropping the negatives every time you make a decision, as negative thinking has an adverse impact on your decision making.

Decision making through breath

The negatives can also be dropped by attending to our breath. There are many breathing techniques like Sudarshan Kriya that can remove unwanted thoughts and calm the mind. A calm mind has better clarity and is more adept at decision making. It is also only a calm mind that has access to our intuition spark which can guide us on making the right choice. We make everyday choices based on our assessment of what is ethically, morally and legally right. This capability limits issues that may arise in life from making a poor choice. Added to our assessments, a touch of intuition can be of great help. Among the innumerable benefits from the Happiness Program (for above 18 years) and the Prajñā Yoga (5 - 18 years) is the improvement in intuition. Intuition is the basis for the right decision making at the right time.

Get equipped with a comprehensive toolkit for a peaceful, happy state of mind to be a good decision maker.



Power of decision making

Do you realize the power of decision making when you have to decide on a crucial moment? It is the path of the courageous. To manifest quick and correct decision making in your life, drop the belief in your incapabilities. Do you know why it is vital?


When you say, “I can't do it.” What you mean is, “So far I haven’t done this.”

What happens when you decide to do it today? 

It will start happening through you. It means, “It will start manifesting from today.”

That is the power in you. Are you wishing correctly? Are you deciding correctly? Are you choosing dharma? Or are you letting your tendencies make you indulge in fruitless and meaningless actions of life?

Moment to moment, which thought to keep and which to drop is your decision. What to speak and act is also your decision. Isn’t it? Even if there is no support system during a difficult situation, isn’t it finally your choice? Wake up to this reality and face it. Train your intelligence in a way that decides in the favor of dharma in every situation.  Let commitment be in your consciousness. With committed and skillful efforts, decide what you want for yourself. It is surely going to be the best.

You can't have the best of both worlds in your life

Embrace this wisdom for life satisfaction. Whatever you decide on or that comes to you is the best for you and your spiritual growth.  

Nature talks to you:



Tu karta vo he jo tu chahta he, par hota vo he jo me chahta hu.

Tu vo kar jo me chahta hu, fir vo hoga jo tu chahta he. 


You do what you want to do, but it happens my way. 

Do as I wish you to do, then your wish will come true.

Invite challenges to your life with open arms. Why do you want everything in life to be easy? Challenges are necessary for life. Don't you think so? If everything is easy, it will be boring. Gliders, mountaineers, etc. invite challenges in their lives. Invite small challenges in life. Challenges are fun and help you grow.

Related Links

How to Deal with Confusion? | Q&A with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - This video highlights how to make a decision by removing confusion.

The article, “Making correct decisions” clears the doubt of whether you have made the right decision or not.  




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