
What is the formula for happiness when you are surrounded by others’ opinions? | The Art of Living India

 Do you know when you base your life on others' opinions, it is the formula of misery? Opinions always exist, whether it be your opinion about others or yourself, or others’ opinions about you. Now the million-dollar question is, how not to care what people think about you? Do you want to know the secret to happiness? What is the happiness formula?


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says,

“Don't be a football of other people's opinions. Don't worry about what others think about you!”



The fear of opinion arises as you are unaware of your connection to infinity. Separation brings all kinds of fears and also the fear of opinion or Allodoxaphobia. When there is oneness, when the knowledge of infinity is grounded well, when you reinforce your connection with the universal consciousness and know that you will always exist, then you have won over the fright of opinions. This is the formula of happiness.


Do you remember the famous childhood story of the father, the son and the donkey? Take this as an example of opinion. In each scene of the story, there were others’ opinions. But I have given a little twist to each scene. Here is a way you can respond when surrounded by others’ opinions, and continue to remain at peace.

This formula for happiness, irrespective of others’ opinions, can effortlessly be a part of our behavior with the practice of pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi meditation.

The world’s most effortless meditation program Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga takes you from effortlessness to restfulness.


Listen to Mr. Ravindran Lakke, a Sudarshan Kriya practitioner…     

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