
10 reasons to do Sahaj
Samadhi Meditation


My friend was curious to know why we should do Sahaj Samadhi Meditation (SSM). She asked her sister cum Art of Living Teacher, who gave her a list of interesting reasons. Finally, my friend and I participated in the program. For the past 16 years, I have been practicing Sahaj Meditation and have benefited immensely. Let me share the top 10 reasons to do Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.

1. Sahaj is simple, natural and effortless

It is a notion that profound techniques ought to be tough, and the simple are ineffective. But Sahaj Samadhi Meditation has falsified this belief. Sahaj meditation is simple yet profound.

In Sanskrit, Sahaj means natural or effortless, and Samadhi means a deep meditative state with long-lasting peace and vitality.

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2. Empowered mantra for meditation

Sahaj Samadhi meditation involves a mantra mentally recollected during the meditation. The Sahaj mantra is subtly charged with the Guru’s energy and leads you to deeper states of consciousness, the source of love and peace. The mantra secretly initiated by a Sahaj teacher is very personal and is to be kept confidential to reap its benefits. This mantra is the tipping point to bring out the best version of you as it spontaneously leads you to a profound state of tranquility where creativity blossoms. 

3. Increased happiness response

Sahaj is much more than just a stress management tool. Research shows that Sahaj Meditation accelerates happiness, relaxation and productivity. It originates in the limbic cortex and precuneus of the brain, while stress reduces significantly. 

4. Reduces late-life anxiety and depression

Sahaj samadhi meditation Reduces late-life anxiety and depression

Depression may be difficult in medically treating the elderly. Sahaj meditation reduces elderly patients' need for medications. The chances of remission are three times higher with Sahaj compared to a treatment plan. Generally, Sahaj decreases treatment costs for depression patients and their overall well-being.

5. Physical benefits 

  • SSM helps relieve body pain. It leads to a greater reduction in pain than even morphine or other pain-relieving drugs in some patients. 
  • SSM energizes your body and mind to increase athletic performance.
  • SSM improves cardiovascular health - Improvement in heart rate variability is a key factor linked with long-term heart health and a vitalizing predictor of longevity.

Sahaj samadhi meditation Reduces cancer cases by 55%

  • SSM reduces dreaded diseases - Research shows cancer cases reduced by 55% and cardiovascular diseases by 88%.

6. Relieves clinical depression 

While conventional treatment produced a 10% remission rate, adding Sahaj Samadhi Meditation practice to the treatment regime of depression patients boosted remission by 53%, a 500% increase!

7. Balances emotions

SSM helps you develop equanimity. When situations don’t happen your way, you are still relaxed instead of experiencing an emotional turmoil. If emotions blow out, coming back to normalcy is quicker than usual. You become more emotionally resilient and inner transformation dawns on you.

8. Experience the stillness of mind 

reasons to do sahaj samadhi meditation

Initially, the serenity and stillness of mind may be for a while, but the regular practice of SSM cuts through the mental chatter more often and sustains the deep inner peace.

9. Better clarity and perception 

Sahaj improves creativity to get solutions to problems

With SSM, you can have a higher IQ, more creativity, improved focus, sharp memory and better problem-solving ability.

10. Restores your innocence 

As adults, we mature but lose our precious smiles and unconditional love. Every child has them minus wisdom. With Sahaj Meditation, you develop innocence and deep wisdom.

These are the practical benefits of SSM you can experience in daily life. Get ready to harness the power of your mind for personal transformation.


Indrani Sarkar, Journalist shares, “Can you imagine six months I was leading a painful life, and with one day of Sahaj Samadhi Meditation the body pain vanishes away! After this I ran a marathon and climbed Vaishno Devi (in Jammu hills). Sahaj has completely changed my life, and it can change yours too.”


Based on inputs by Sejal Thakkar, Faculty, Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, Advanced Meditation Program, DSN and Teachers Training Program

Written by: Pratibha Sharma

Reference link 

Researchers of Sahaj Samadhi from the Western University Department of Psychiatry have won the top award from the 17th World Psychiatry Congress in Berlin.

Related link

Sahaj Samadhi Meditation may relieve late-life depression and anxiety, says new research

What makes Sahaj Samadhi Meditation unique? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


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