
SVYASA and The Art of Living launch training program for diabetes screening and control

November 15, 2016

Bangalore: On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, The Art of Living along with Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhan Samstha (SVYASA) launched the Madhumeha Niyantrita Bharat (MNB) Abhiyaan, a Yoga based National Diabetes Control Program (NCDP)  in the presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, The Art of Living; Dr. H R Nagendra, Chancellor, SVYASA; Dr. R. Nagarathna, Chief Medical Officer, Arogyadhama, SVYASA; Dr. Kashinath Dixit, Diabetologist for 25 years and Maheish Girri, Member of Parliament, at the pristine Art of Living International Center.

“Many people have beautiful healing experiences but there is a need for proper scientific documentation of the benefits of yoga and Ayurveda in treating Diabetes,” said Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, “With our PM's initiative, the country will move very fast (in the direction of reducing diabetes). In fact, diabetes in any place in the world needs to be tackled and not just in India.”

Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi, has planned a mega nationwide project to control the increasing prevalence of diabetes in India through yoga based lifestyle program called Madhumeha Niyantrita Bharat Abhiyaan. A 5-day long residential training will be held at the Art of Living’s Bangalore Ashram between 16 to 20 November where more than 1200 experienced yoga instructors and senior research fellows selected and nominated by various Yoga schools and organizations will be trained to conduct initial screening exams and also teaching standardized diabetes control yoga protocol, standardized by the Ministry of AYUSH.

“India is racing with China to surpass diabetes, which is a shame,” said Dr. H R Nagendra, "In order to reduce the occurrences of diabetes in India, the PM gave a clarion call to all Yoga institutions, government institutions and health institutions to achieve the following - the pre-diabetic should not become diabetic, those who are mildly diabetic should normalize and complications should be reduced."