- Over 700 delegates from Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, Ladakh and from various parts of South India deliberated on building complementary roles for Vedanta and Buddhism to resolve problems facing the world.
- That humanity had reached the pinnacle of technological prowess but was losing out on the essential values of life was a theme touched upon by almost every speaker.
- “To find ways to achieve peace together, inter-religious dialogue is very important. We have to understand different faiths and examine how we can work together.” - Most Rev. Dhamma Master Hsin Tao, Founder of the Museum of World Religions and President of the Global family of Love and Peace
- “A new vision and a new thinking are required along with great courage in order to move forward.” - Hon. Dr. B.K. Modi, President, Maha Bodhi Society, India
- Swami Agnivesh, President, World Council of Arya Samaj, India, presented a 7-point-charter for world peace.
Other speakers included:
- Rev. Wathurawila Siri Sujatha Thero, Shri Naga Vihara Temple, Sri Lanka,
- Rajyogini Sudesh Didi, Director, European Centers, Brahma Kumaris,
- Dr. Mano Mettanando Laohavanich, Buddhist Master, advisor to the secretary general of Religions for Peace for the Buddhist affairs, Thailand
- Ven. Lama Lobzang, President, Ashoka Mission and former member of National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Government of India
This seminal conference was the first of its kind bringing together the two faiths to promote universal brotherhood and peace.