What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. I Am The Only Way

    Bangalore, India Gurudev, in the Bible Christ says, ‘I am the only way’. The Koran says that it is the only way, and the Gita also says ‘Mam ekam sharanam vraja’? Is this the reason for all religious conflicts? How can we change this? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: ...
  2. Finding God

    Bangalore, India Photo credit: Paul Bica / Foter / CC BY What is happening today is that, our education system has become so weak that even after getting a master’s degree, people don’t get jobs because they don’t know how to do a simple job. Skills are mi ...
  3. India- A Spiritual Country

    The Happiness Program, this is what we need. Today we are passing through such a crisis in our country. There is darkness everywhere and there is no hope. Prices are high and people are feeling insecure. Almost everybody, every country, every community fe ...
  4. Why Do You Worry?

    Montreal, Canada Gurudev, what is Brahma Gyaan? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: This is Brahma Gyaan (Supreme Knowledge). All this that we are talking about is Brahma Gyaan. Whatever you say has no existence, meaning it does not exist forever. Truth is that which tr ...
  5. Secrets Of The Creation

    Montreal, Canada Dear Gurudev, recently there has been a discovery of something called the Higgs-Boson particle. Is it leading scientists towards pure consciousness? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I visited the institute CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear ...
  6. Can You Be Happy Without Forgiveness?

    Boone, North Carolina Gurudev, someone I love has hurt me. I am finding it difficult to forgive them. What should I do? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What are the options in front of you? One is, you don’t forgive them. If it is so difficult to forgive, then don’t ...
  7. A Diamond In A Garbage Can

    Boone, North Carolina Life is a celebration. You must grab and use every opportunity, everyday, to celebrate and be grateful. When you know., I am ever pure, celebration will never stop in your life. Intrinsically we all are pure by nature;< but the mom ...
  8. The Only Way Out

    Bangalore, India The form of the divine is Sat Chit Anandam, when we go near the divine, we become very happy inside.   Gurudev, I’ve heard Gayatri mantra being played on tapes in public. How important is it to get initiated? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: We will ...
  9. Just Wake Up!

    Montreal, Canada Gurudev, you found us in this lifetime. But since you visit this planet so rarely, or so I think, what happens to all of us until we meet again during all those other life times? Do we slip back somehow? Do we continue to grow in knowledge ...
  10. Be Untouched

    Montreal, Canada  Gurudev, I have been told that a human soul can often take one to two million years to find liberation. Is it true that by doing Kriya and meditation every day, this liberation can be obtained even in one lifetime? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: E ...