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  1. 10 healthy food habits to maintain wellness

    Kartik, 30, is a software engineer by profession and a photographer by hobby. His average week comprises a 45-50-hour work schedule. Although a fitness enthusiast, his hectic schedule leaves very little time for him to keep his body in shape. Due to the l ...
  2. Pull-ups For Women Made Easy With Yoga

    Pull-up is an upper-body enhancing workout that helps strengthen the forearms, hands and shoulders. It also effects muscles in the trunk and abdominal region and is one of the most popular free-hand exercises among fitness enthusiasts. Pull-ups are absolu ...
  3. Celebrate Valentine's Day All Through The Year With Yoga

    The winter has just bid good bye in most parts of the world and summer is yet to set in. That leaves us with the a beautiful season of spring. You open your window and see the fresh flowers blooming everywhere. The parks are flooded with children on the s ...
  4. Surya Namaskar for Weight Loss: Know Calories Burned in Each Set

    Surya Namskar is said to be the complete body workout for weight loss. Yoga experts say that doing 12 sets of Surya Namaskar  translates into doing 288 powerful yoga poses in a span of 12 to 15 minutes! It is another example of how good things come in sma ...
  5. Sri Sri School of Yoga's QCI Instructors' Training Program

    Become a Certified Yoga Teacher Upcoming Program QCI Yoga Instructors' Training Program 30th August to 18th September 2017 Venue The Art of Living Ashram, Vasad, Gujarat The Sri Sri School of Yoga's QCI Yoga Instructors' Training Program is ...
  6. Natarajasana 1- Lord of the Dance Pose

    This yoga posture has been named after the shape it takes – that of a lord of the dance pose. This yoga posture is pronounced as not-ah-raj-SAH-NA. Nata=Dance; Raj=King; Asana=Posture or Pose. Benefits of Natarajasana 1 Stretches and tones hips, lower bac ...
  7. Yoga vs Gym- Yoga Adds to Your Gym Workout

    Doing yoga or hitting the gym- too difficult a choice to make? Let's make things easier and look at both not as rivals but close allies. Yes, yoga can be a perfect complement to your body workout and actually add to the benefits you derive from it. T ...
  8. Savasana- Corpse Pose

    Sava- Corpse; Asana- Pose The asana is pronounced as Shuh-vah-sana This pose gets its name from the recumbent posture of a dead body. It is a position of rest and relaxation, and is usually practiced towards the end of a yoga session – a session that typi ...
  9. Brahmacharya and its benefits

    brahmacaryapratiṣṭhāyāṁ vīryalābhaḥ ॥38॥ ब्रह्मचर्यप्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभः ॥३८॥ Moving in the Brahman, in infinity, gives great strength and capacity.                                                                                   - Patañjali Yoga Sutra ...
  10. Śaucā and saṅtoṣā

    Contd. from knowledge sheet 74 Śaucā (pronounced as Shoucha) – means cleanliness- both inner and outer cleanliness of the body.  Along with personal hygiene, the mind also needs to be kept clean- antaha śaucā- bāhya bheetara śaucā. If you are constantly i ...