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Gurudev, I tend to think a lot about my future, my exams and their outcome and it always leads me to depression. How do I come out of this compulsive thinking?
Know that every failure is a step towards success. Do you know that all those people who are now leading large corporate houses had suffered many failures in their early days? The ones who have started some of these large IT companies, in the early days ... -
What are your thoughts on home schooling?
That's up to you. If you want to play multiple roles, you can do that. But I think children should go to school and mix with other kids. See things from a bigger perspective. The world is like a dream. If you are stuck to events, you can neve ... -
(A member of the audience asked a question relating to terrorism, but it was inaudible)
The horrible crimes that people are doing today, is very unfortunate. We need to have pity on these people. They have not gotten proper education. They are victims of the education system. Just imagine, you were born in that place and you ... -
Dear Gurudev, how do I forgive my brother for all the nasty things that he has done to me and my family?
Well, your brother was never educated in human values. It is not his fault. He was never shown that beautiful space that lies deep within him. Nobody guided his spirit, nobody guided his emotions, nobody taught him how to get rid of greed, anger, jealou ... -
On spirituality and science, what do you think should change about science as we have it today, and the education in science?
Prejudice. If prejudice clogs science, then it dies very soon. Open-mindedness to possibilities is the basis of science! History has told us, when scientists were prejudiced, when they were blind or deaf to other researcher’s words, they suffered ... -
Gurudev, I feel very sleepy during Mathematics classes. What could be the reason for this? Also, what can I do to increase my concentration in those classes?
This is simply because you do not have much interest in Maths. That is why this happens. Also, one does feel a bit sleepy immediately after meals. So, to become sharper at Maths, you must sit and solve more math problems. When you sit to solve problems ... -
(A member of the audience asked a question which was inaudible)
We all know these issues are very big. As you rightly said, there is not any specific reason for many types of conflict, because there is conflict between religions, within the religion, within the country; all types of conflicts are there.If you ... -
Who will take up the role of educating the population and the children? How can UNESCO find the way to bring spirituality as a real component and not as a luxurious thought to our agenda?
Any big transformation in society depends on the four pillars of society:1. The government2. The civil societies; the NGOs3. The media4. The faith-based organizations, they also have a role to play When all these four aven ... -
(A member of the audience asked and question and it was inaudible)
You know, management courses these days are adopting more and more informal ways of teaching. This approach is being emphasized everywhere, and I hope that soon the world over, everyone realizes the need for changing the methodology of teaching. Slowly ... -
Beloved Gurudev, can you speak on the future of education? It seems our curriculum is old fashioned, not useful for work and not supporting peace in the world. Will this change and how?
Yes, you are absolutely right! It has to change, and you and me should change it. We should put all our efforts to change it. In India, The Art of Living has developed new educational methods for our schools. We have about 70-80 paid schools and over 4 ...