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  1. You have mentioned that the ABC of life is awareness, belongingness and commitment. What is the ABC for our management students? As a graduate of Vedic Literature and Science, you may be aware of the holistic approach to education. Please tell us something about it.

    ABC, i.e., Awareness, Belongingness and Commitment are universal. I think you can apply this in any field, not just spirituality, business or politics; it cuts across different fields of human relevance. These three aspects can be applied anywhere. Wi ...
  2. The results of the SSLC (Tenth standard) and PUC (Twelfth standard) examinations have been announced. These examinations are very important for students. What message would you like to give to the students?

    For those who have passed, move ahead with increased enthusiasm. For those who haven’t, do not lose your happiness and enthusiasm. It is not a big thing that you have lost. Just because of not passing an exam, students become very disturbed mentally. A l ...
  3. Gurudev, real education happens through life experiences, then why should one go to college?

    College life is pretty good; it is great! You learn a lot. Don’t think you will have no life in college; in fact college life is life because you learn a lot of things. Many times you fall in love, your heart gets broken and then it gets mended. So many th ...
  4. Gurudev, these days, the universities and the colleges have lowered their standards so much. Why don’t you open up a college or university where we can give our children good education?

    Yes! The Government of Orissa said the same thing to me. I said, ‘I am ready.’ So they passed the legislation and allotted us a land for the university. We have been working on it; it should start from this year onwards, in Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I ...