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Please talk about Sahasrara chakra. Why is it that Sahasrara chakra is not activated? Most of our meditations are only till second last chakra.
You know, don't go too much into the chakras, just relax, everything will happen on its own. ... -
Gurudev, I have heard that meditation helps to unravel or unlock the granthi (knots representing energy centres or nodes) in the navel region. And when the energy centre of the navel region opens up, only then can the individual soul (Atma) rise to unite with the Paramatma (Divinity or Super soul). I wish to understand more about this. Please explain.
It is correct. As we meditate, the knot or the energy centre in the navel region opens up. When the heart centre blossoms and opens up, we feel joy. We experience different sensations and emotions only when the different energy centres of the body open ... -
Could you tell us the exact location of the chakras? In meditation we are supposed to focus on them? I do not know where they are exactly.
This is just to give you an idea but don’t try to pinpoint. The first chakra is at the base of the spine, at beginning of the anus and is called Muladhara. Just above that is the next chakra called Svadhishthana. The third chakra is ... -
Gurudev, it is said that music affects the chakras. Could you please talk about specific instruments and their effect on the chakras.
The drums affect the Mooladhara (the base chakra or the first chakra). The big and small drums, their effect is from the Mooladhara to Swadishtana (second chakra). The big wind instruments like trumpets affect the second to third ch ... -
Gurudev, what is the relationship between chakras and our mind?
Chakras are in the physical realm. The mind is just energy; thoughts are energy. When you put your (mind) attention on the chakras, they get regulated, activated and the dormant energy gets released ... -
Gurudev, is sexual energy and meditative energy the same energy?
Yes, it is only one energy in the body, but it manifests in different forms, in different chakras. Sexual energy, love energy, intellectual energy, sharpness, awareness, anger; all these are related. You would have heard about the seven ch ... -
Gurudev, could you tell us about the Saptarishis?
The universe has a rhythm called chandas. Everything is in a wave function; the receivers of certain wave functions are known as Rishis. Rishi is a position; it is not the name of a person, and there are more than a thousand Ris ...