Could you tell us the exact location of the chakras? In meditation we are supposed to focus on them? I do not know where they are exactly.
This is just to give you an idea but don’t try to pinpoint. The first chakra is at the base of the spine, at beginning of the anus and is called Muladhara. Just above that is the next chakra called Svadhishthana. The third chakra is just above the navel called Manipura. Above that is the Anahata chakra which is in the center of the chest. Then is the throat chakra called Visuddhia. Above that is the chakra in-between the eyebrows called Ajna. The last chakra is on top of the head called Sahasrara. So giving simple attention is all that we need to do.
There are methods which can give you a shock like experience. Do not go for that type of forceful awakening of the Kundalini because it involves risks and sometimes people go crazy. So in The Art of living we go for the most safest way and the best methods. Sometimes you may not get dramatic changes that the Kundalini experience would give to people, but do not be bothered about that because that can cause an imbalance in the system.
It is the forceful awakening of Kundalini that I would not recommend. There are many cases where people cannot lead a normal life. We have to live a normal life, right? We all need to lead a normal life and have a spiritual experience which I tell you is the best way to live!
Many of you must have experienced that after a while you feel happy all the time. And whatever you desire happens. How many of you feel that? (Many in the audience raise their hands). You see, you intend and it happens! These are all effective awakenings. Come what may, nothing can take your happiness away. So do not be tempted by people saying, "Oh, I will give you this power and awaken your Kundalini suddenly". You should keep your distance. Physically, physiologically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, from every angle this is the best way (The Art of Living). I have emphasized it again and again.