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  1. Gurudev, on the spiritual path I hear this term ‘presence’ very often. What is presence? Is it just a state of mind?

    See, presence is presence. If you ask me, what is the ear and how does it compare with the eyes, what can I say? Suppose someone is talking and your mind is elsewhere then you are not present. I can explain your absence. When you are present that means you ...
  2. Gurudev, life has come to a standstill before a major decision. I often wonder whether my decision will be right or wrong. How can I take the decision?

    Just look back at your life in the past. This is not the first time that your mind is confused in a dilemma. You have faced these types of questions and situations many times earlier as well; and every time you have received help to overcome it. And whenev ...
  3. What is more important, following you or following your word?

    I am my word. You decide what is important for you. I am not going to tell you. Just running behind me doesn’t mean you have followed my words. Be spontaneous. Sometimes when you feel like coming along, just come along. What’s the bi ...
  4. Though there is a realization, after so many years on the path, that the mind gets caught up in the world and the world looks so real. Is this natural, or one needs to put more effort?

    Yes, the mind gets caught in maya (illusion). You have to remind yourself again and again, and bring the mind back, and see that this is all maya (illusion). Turn the mind inwards. It is very interesting. The mind is so amazing. ...
  5. When faith is running low and I am not able to keep up with sadhana (spiritual practice), what do I do?

    Nothing, just wake up and see there is nothing, that’s it! However life is, you have to bear the cross. This itself is very good wisdom. It gives you strength. Whenever you want to escape from a situation, and you are finding a way to get out of ...
  6. Gurudev, what is the relationship between chakras and our mind?

    Chakras are in the physical realm. The mind is just energy; thoughts are energy. When you put your (mind) attention on the chakras, they get regulated, activated and the dormant energy gets released ...
  7. Gurudev, what are the benefits of Shakti kriya? Is it only at the body level or does it affect the mind too?

    Both. Anything that benefits your spirit, definitely benefits the body. If the body is healthy and strong, it also reflects on the consciousness, and the mind. ...
  8. How do we get rid of our mind after death?

    There is no way you can get rid of it. If you want to know how to get rid of the mind, it can happen only when you have a body. You can’t get rid of the mind afterwards. ...
  9. While studying, how can I eliminate thoughts from my mind so I can concentrate better?

    Breathing! Pranayama will definitely help you. Okay! And then if they still come, don’t try to chase them, just embrace them. Negative thoughts are afraid of a hug from you. If you embrace them, they will all run away. ...
  10. Why does the mind wander all the time?

    It doesn't wander all the time. When you like something, your mind is just fixed there. Suppose you are watching a movie or television series, does it wander all over the place? No! For two and a half hours you are focused on the screen. You are sitti ...