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  1. Gurudev, What is the technique to be followed daily so that impressions don't remain in the mind, intellect or the memory?

    Just relax, be natural. If you say that I do not want this impression to remain in my mind, then you are making that impression even stronger. If it is there it is there, and if it is not there it is not there. So just relax. You will see that whateve ...
  2. Gurudev, you have said that if one thinks too much about the people they hate, then they start to become like them. I am constantly thinking of people I dislike and taking on their qualities. How do I keep from doing this?

    Well, let me tell you that without dispassion there is no progress in life. If you want to progress in life, you must have dispassion. Dispassion brings freedom to your mind. Dispassion keeps you in the present moment. Dispassion brings that smil ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, I have heard a little about reflections. How many reflections do we have, and what does that mean?

    When you have said a word, you have also attached a meaning to it. Reflection is simply reflection. Whatever you see on the outside. Action is a reflection of what you are. Your thoughts, your mind, your emotions are a reflection of what you are. In s ...
  4. Dear Master, I recently heard you mention that, 'You own mind is responsible for your bondage and your liberation.' I am confused, how is the mind responsible for liberation? Don't I have to go beyond the mind?

    Yes, the cause of bondage is the mind, isn't it? It is the disturbances in the mind which takes away the peace from you. Whenever you are happy and peaceful, your mind is in touch with your being. When you are disturbed because of thoughts and emotions, th ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, what is the power of the subconscious mind and how do I utilize it?

    The conscious mind is in fact only one-tenth of your subconscious mind. So the subconscious mind has a lot of power. Suppose you are having a pyjama party and eight of you are sleeping and someone calls out your name, only you will respond. Others wil ...
  6. Gurudev, how to ensure that a person does not take you for granted in a relationship?

    Don't worry about it, it is quite natural. People take you for granted because they think you belong to them already, and so they only attend to people who are guests. You are a part of the family, why should anybody tell you, 'Have you had coffe ...
  7. Gurudev, it is said that chanting the name of Narayana (Lord Vishnu) in the last moments of our life brings one liberation. Is it true that the last act of life is the strongest in determining our way forward?

    Yes, it is true. It is at the time of death that the mind separates from the body. So at this time, whatever impression one bears in the mind become the reason for the next birth. This is a scientific truth. You can see this for yourself. If you obser ...
  8. Can you please explain why we should avoid rebirth?

    If you wake up and see, in life there is so much misery, and misery is what you don’t like. You don’t want misery. What we don’t want to have is called misery, and it is there in life. Between husband and wife, father and mother, mother and daugh ...
  9. Dear Gurudev, you spoke so beautifully about dispassion and being devoid of feverishness, but when you are around, all this knowledge goes out of the window and there is only feverishness.

    It is the nature of the mind to cling onto something. So until it becomes free from all other things, it is okay to cling onto one thing. But in time you will be free from that too, as the mind becomes quiet.