
Search results

  1. I'm Awesome Protein Shake

    An amazing morning protein shake! handful of cashews 8-10 dry apricots apple 3 tbsp of hemp seeds small bar of dark chocolate 1 cup of almond milk some water or ice optional Mix all together in the Vitamix or Blendtec. Once smooth decorate with hemp seeds ...
  2. Almond Bread Spread

    Easy to make delicious spread that can be used on bread, crackers or raw veggies. 1/2 cup of almonds 1 tbsp of nutritional yeast 1 lemon (juice it) handful of sprouted moong beans 1 tbsp of coconut oil pinch of salt rosemary Mix all together in the Vitami ...
  3. Strawberry Cashew Maca Shake

    Strawberry Cashew Maca Shake Creamy, rich morning after yoga shake! handful of cashews 8 organic strawberries organic apple 1 cup of almond milk 3 tsp of maca powder Mix all together in the Vitamix or Blendtec. Enjoy it! Recipe by Kasia Fraser, originally ...
  4. Perfect Breakfast

    Perfect Breakfast Easy to make, full of protein breakfast! 1 cup of coconut plain yogurt 3 tbsp of chia seeds 8 organic strawberries 10 organic blueberries handful of cashews 3 tbsp of yacon syrop Mix yogurt with chia seeds first. Add cut strawberries, bl ...
  5. Green Brunch

    Green Brunch Brunch made in 7 minutes! Heat the oil and add cumin powder, once golden add sliced mushrooms, rosemary and salt. Cover the pan for about 2-3 min. Add broccoli and cover again for 2 min. Turn the heat off. Add arugula and cover again for abou ...
  6. Matcha Green Kick

    Matcha Green Kick Green version of morning energy boost. This time with Green Tea Matcha Powder. Mix it well in the Vitamix. Enjoy your full of energy day! 1 tsp of matcha powder 1 tsp of maca powder 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk 1/2 banana 1 pear  1 t ...
  7. Pumpkin Soup

    Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin soup with touch of pesto. Soup: 1/2 of pumpkin small ginger 1/4 cup of olive oil 1/2 cup of almond milk salt/pepper Cook peeled and chopped pumpkin with salt and ginger in small amount of water. Once soft blend using a hand blender or ...
  8. Avocolada- Pineapple Avocado Smoothie

    Creamy and delicious way to start a day! 1 cup of chopped pineapple 1 avocado 1 cup of coconut milk 1/3 cup of agave Mix all together in the Vitamix. Garnish with chia seeds. Recipe by Kasia Fraser, originally written for Hello Delicious ...
  9. Rice Noodles

    Rice Noodles rice noodles 2 carrots 1 broccoli 1 zucchini ginger 1/2 cup of coconut milk 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1/2 tsp red chili salt/ pepper fresh basil olive oil Boil noodles with salt and oil. Once soft rinse it with cold water. At the same time heat the ...
  10. Sweet Potatoes Soup

    Sweet Potatoes Soup Nice and creamy soup, perfect for a cold day... 3 sweet potatoes A small piece of ginger 1/2 cup of coconut milk Salt & pepper Fresh dill Cook peeled and chopped potatoes with ginger and salt in a small amount of water. Once soft, ...