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  1. An 80-Year-Old’s Letter to a Doctor

    My Dear Dr. René, I think I have been visiting you now for more number of years than I can remember. My age is to be blamed for my poor memory. At 80, I can hardly remember much. Yet, what I can never forget is your pleasing smile each time you saw me ent ...
  2. Giving Prisoners a New Ray of Hope

    ‘Jamaica no Problem’ – is now Dushyant Savadia’s slogan. With the vision of creating waves of peace and happiness across the Caribbean, Dushyant has been teaching meditation to people from different walks of life- from farmers to corporate executives, inn ...
  3. How to Get Your Child Started With Meditation?

    Do you have a pre-teen child in your life that you’d like to be closer to? Perhaps you are a parent or an uncle or aunt or grandparent and you’d like to find a way to support the child in your life to be happier and healthier. A very special thing we can ...
  4. The Joys Of Meditation

    Michael Fischman began his life as the son of an Orthodox Jewish Holocaust survivor in New York, and developed a successful career as a Madison Avenue advertising executive. Later through an unlikely turn of events, ended up as meditation student and teac ...
  5. Tapping Creativity Through Meditation

    Creativity is a wonder wand that churns out solutions to crooked problems, swirls about amazing creations, and awes your mind with its magical touch. Many of us desire it, but most of us assume it is an asset of a few. But, did you know that it is a gift ...
  6. Benefits of Meditation

    What is meditation? Meditation is relaxation. It is not about concentration, it’s actually about de-concentration. It’s not about focussing one’s thoughts on one thing, but instead on becoming thoughtless. What are the benefits of meditation? A calm mind ...
  7. Meditation during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is an exciting time in every woman’s life. A time of intense expectation. A time to rejoice, to welcome a new life into the world. It is also a time of overwhelming change which is happening at tremendous speed- physically, mentally, and emotion ...
  8. The Door to Meditation

    This mind is experiencing the world. Who is miserable? If you say, “Oh, I am so miserable,” find out who is miserable, who is hot, who is cold, who is experiencing pain, who is experiencing pleasure, who is happy, who is unhappy, who feels, who is intelli ...
  9. Meditation is an Art

    Everyone has ten fingers. It is just a matter of learning how to use these ten fingers to create something so melodious. In the same way, we all have a mind, we all think, so we all can meditate. It is just a little skill to see how we can calm the mind a ...
  10. Pravriti and Nivriti (Engaged in action, Retire from action)

    There are two attitudes, one, you see everything as perfect, another is finding various imperfections.  One is called Pravriti, when you’re engaged in action; nivriti, when you retire from action. Often, we are not okay with the way things are around us a ...