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  1. What is Sudarshan Kriya?

    What is Sudarshan Kriya Sudarshan Kriya is a rhythmic breathing technique that helps relieve stress, regulate emotions and remove toxins from the body. Through the regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya and adopting lifestyle changes, many people around the ...
  2. KapalBhati: Benefits of Kapalbhati & Steps to do

    Kapal = forehead; bhati = shining; Kapal Bhati assumes significance in these times of pandemic. Here is a quick guide to understanding how the breath is important in revitalizing your immune system, and how KapalBhati helps regularize the breath, making i ...
  3. What is Ujjayi Pranayama, benefits, & how to practice

    “ Ujjayi ” (pronounced oo-jai) comes from the Sanskrit prefix "ud" (उद्) and the root "ji" (जि). The sanskrit word “ Ujji ” (उज्जि), means "to be victorious". “Ud” means “bondage" or "binding" as well as " ...
  4. 3 best pranayamas to build immunity during lockdown

    Listen to these voices on the lockdown: I was expecting to have joined work by this time. Now, I don’t even know if my job offer still stands: The new graduate waiting to enter the job market. I was supposed to be choosing universities to study this year. ...
  5. The ancient ties between the land of the rising sun & the Indian sub-continent

    Amazing facts about India When the former managing director of Toyota in India, Naomi Ishii said: “Japan has gained more from India across the ages than India has done from Japan in recent times,” the wisdom could have been lost to many. Japan, today, is ...
  6. The unique cultural connection between two ancient civilizations

    Amazing facts about India In today’s world, travel across the globe is ubiquitous. Of course, it inspires adventure, discovery and excitement. Perhaps akin to the ancestors of yore who conquered many frontiers, unaided by the technology of today. Among ou ...
  7. If cosmos has its truth, then what is your truth?

    In his book, ‘Yoga and Vedic Astrology’ author of the 2 best-selling books Sam Geppi has shared insightful, deep and profound knowledge about yoga, Vedic astrology and how a study of these can help anyone in mastering their life vis-a-vis their mind. Here ...
  8. An ancient trail of Lord Ganesha: A global god much before globalization

    Amazing facts about India From sculptures of Lord Ganesha in Central America, Persia, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia and many other South-East Asian islands- there is a wide footprint of Lord Ganesha, tracing back to 2,500 years ago a ...
  9. Svatantrata: Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake

    Amazing facts about India Perhaps the renowned king, Raja Chandragupta did not know the example he was setting when he successfully threw off the repression of the Nanda tyranny. With the help of the master tactician, Chanakya, the king made a statement a ...
  10. Mind and Breath- A Deep Connection

    Posted: February 20, 2018 An Insightful Conversation Between A Meditation Teacher and A Scientist In recent years the importance of breath is receiving immense attention, to tackle daily stress and encourage healthy lifestyles. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shanka ...