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  1. Follow Your Breath And Fly High

    “ Breath is the link between the body and mind. If the mind is a kite the breath is the thread. The longer the thread, the higher the kite can go.” – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Breathe Out Stress, Breathe In Joy Did you know that we can throw out 90 per ...
  2. Art of Yoga: Slow and Steady Yoga Postures Win the Race

    A few tips by senior Sri Sri Yoga teachers on learning the ‘art’ of yoga asanas or postures. Remember the first time you started practicing your favorite hobby – photography, music, dance, anything. At first, there was a struggle, an effort to get things ...
  3. Breathing Techniques

      Breathing Techniques How long can you live without food- for some days? How long can you live without the breath – a few minutes perhaps? Breath is Life, without breathing, we would cease to exist! This is how important Breath is to our Life. How long c ...