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  1. 13 quotes on keeping a smile

    We all have needs and responsibilities! When our responsibilities are maximum and needs minimum, we are happy! Smile and Serve! Make your smile cheaper and your anger more expensive. "A genuine smile can only happen when stress is gone and meditation ...
  2. 11 quotes about celebration by Gurudev

    Life is a celebration. You must grab and use every opportunity, everyday, to celebrate and be grateful. Celebration cannot happen by just putting flowers and ballons; it has to happen from within. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s message on how to make life a celeb ...
  3. 9 inspiring quotes on patriotism by Gurudev

    Dream the impossible. Know that you are born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; don't let this opportunity pass by. Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Patriotism does not mean that you are against others. You are not a ...
  4. 9 quotes about gratitude by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Sahankar

    Putting a little gratitude in our daily life is a first step to achieving many of our hopes, our dreams, and our goals. After all, it is not that happy people are grateful, but in fact, grateful people are the ones who are the happiest.   Here are some be ...
  5. 8 Quotes on education by Gurudev

    The Art of Living today operates 702 free schools catering to almost 70,000+ children across 22 states in India. The vision for the education sector in India is to provide value-based holistic education in a stress-free environment to deserving children f ...
  6. 11 quotes on positive attitude by Gurudev

    A strong mind can carry around a weak body, but a weak mind cannot carry even a strong body. Here are some beautiful tips by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to maintain the positive attitude that will help you keep a peaceful state of mind.!1. Rigid attitude ...
  7. Live in the present quotes by Gurudev

    One very beautiful thing that we can remind ourselves again and again is kshama (functioning in the now).  Kshama means utter peace from inside and mental centeredness. It is saying, "Come what may, this wealth of mine (peace) will never go, this is ...
  8. Gurudev's short quotes about happiness

    Happiness is when you want nothing, and you want to give.Where the wanting & desires end,and the sharing begins, happiness is exactly there.!1. Happiness is a state of mind. When the mind is free of past regrets and future cravings, you are naturally ...
  9. 8 quotes about friendship by Gurudev

    Do you know what is the sign of a good friend? There is a criteria to judge if someone is a real friend or not. Do you know it? When you go to a friend with a problem and if you walk away from them feeling lighter, then they are a good friend. If you go b ...
  10. 16 Inspirational Quotes on life by Gurudev

    Anything we do in life, it is all directed towards being happy.  Happiness is an attitude. If you are used to being unhappy, even in the best of situations you will still grumble and be unhappy. Nothing can make you happy in the world.  That’s how importa ...