
Search results

  1. Giving direction to young inmates

    “I never felt my breath this light before in my whole life. Today, I am feeling so much peace and silence than I ever felt before.” A young inmate, Tihar Jail, Delhi, India The Art of Living’s Youth Empowerment and Skills (YES!+) program, conducted for ar ...
  2. Prisoner rehabilitation in South Asia’s largest prison

    The Prison Program was introduced in Tihar Jail in 1999. More than 120,000 inmates from prisons in India have undergone the Prison Program with spectacular results. In Tihar Jail (South Asia's largest prison) alone, around 58,000 convicts have benefi ...
  3. Lancestor

    Study The subjects were ages 13-18, and they were 707B offenders of violent crimes with deadly weapon, murder, rape, armed robbery, and terrorizing threats against others. The course was taught over a period of one week for about 20–25 hours. These course ...
  4. Taiwan

    Through the introduction of Taiwan After-care Association, the IAHV Prison SMART was brought to the Taipei Tu-Chen Detention Center starting in March 2004. Up to November 2005, more than 1000 prisoners have benefited from this program. It is now conducted ...
  5. Croatia

    Research Effect of the comprehensive Art of Living yogic breathing programme on the physiological and psychological well-being Throughout 2006 – 2008 the first comprehensive study of the effect of the Art of Living breathing program on the physiological a ...
  6. Research in Oslo

    A study done by the University in Oslo, by Professor Fahri Saatciouglu; "Study was done on Breathe Smart participants who have been involved with party drug use. Their level of stress and anxiety was measured by two independent tools, Becks Depressio ...
  7. Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study

    Stress Management for Law Enforcement Pilot Study In an effort to identify effective tools to combat stress, Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey decided to pilot the International Association for Human Values (IAHV)/The Art of Living Stress Management workshop ...
  8. Prison Smart- Video Playlist

  9. Juvenile8

    I was looking for peace, for self control. I feel I’ve improved after the course. It’s good at the course! Two hours at the course make me relaxed throughout the day. ...
  10. Juvenile7

    I sleep better,and I am going to continue practice everything learnt here. ...