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  1. Yoga & Meditation For a Peaceful Society

    We all have our take on yoga. Don’t we? Yet when it comes from an advocate of peace, a strong believer and preacher of non-violence, a whole new dimension opens up in front of us.  What does peace in Korea have to do with inner peace? What does stretching ...
  2. Breathe Out Exam Stress

    Sore eyes, out of the bed look, a stack of rough notes, sample test papers, and fresh stationary these describe the student gearing up for the exams. The litmus test is on with exams around the corner. Students are barred from watching TV, mobile phones c ...
  3. Dinesh Kashikar: Journeying with The Yogi

    “Lots of time in life, we ‘want to do something’ but end up ‘having to do something else’. I was lucky that for me both turned out to be the same”. These are the words of Dinesh Kashikar, the true yogi of today’s times, the man soaked in yoga knowledge an ...
  4. Teaching Yoga for a Cause: Kamlesh Barwal

    From wearing many hats to teaching the world the art to de-stress through yoga, Kamlesh Barwal has brought in good health and cheer in the life of millions across the globe. 1. What attracted you to the Art of Living? How has it changed you as a person an ...
  5. Festive Season’s Over! Detox with Yoga

    Are you tired from the festive vacation? But did you go on one to get tired? Vacations are going to come in the future too and you are going to get tired again. What is the solution to this never-ending chicken and egg story? Read on… The dancing shoes ha ...
  6. Yoga with Pilates? It’s fun!

    A dancer by profession, yoga came fairly easy to Rashmi Ramesh for whom movement is a part of who she is. And then yogalates just happened when she decided to put pilates and yoga together to create a holistic body workout. Today, she teaches this techniq ...
  7. A Yogi’s Wish List This Christmas

    Although enlightenment tops the wish list of a yogi, you might not be able to gift it. Nevertheless, try something materialistic. We bring you top 7 Christmas gift ideas for your yogi friend. Who doesn’t like gifts? Especially on Christmas! This year, let ...
  8. Dancing through Life with Yoga

    Carrying the heart of a small child at the age of 32, Plakor Kovacevic’s personality radiates exceptional dynamism. And it’s his regular yoga practice of 10 years that he owes it to. There’s been no looking back ever since. Hailing from Croatia and now an ...
  9. Introduction to Yoga with Kamlesh Barwal

    Kamlesh Barwal is an International Sri Sri Yoga teacher with The Art of Living. Over the past eleven years, she has travelled worldwide teaching people of all backgrounds, cultures and religions how to effectively manage their mind and emotions, eliminate ...
  10. 5 Reasons Why You Need Yoga Buddies

    Face it: as exotic as it sounds to de-stress, relax and keep fit with a regular yoga routine, it is almost as difficult to get the discipline to stick to the practice. Yoga, like any other skill in life, requires hours of sincere lessons, days of unrelent ...