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  1. What Is Yajna | The Deep Meaning Behind Indian Yajnas | Gurudev Explains Indian Rituals

    Mantras are powerful vibrations that have the ability to affect the environment around them. Our scriptures recommend specific chants and mantras to achieve different things. But when we seek something bigger for ourselves and society, that is where a Yaj ...
  2. These 5 Places Will Change Your Life

    Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar talks about how one will get a deeper understanding of life and expand one's perspective by spending a day of their life in these 5 places. ...
  3. How To Control Your Anger | Lessons On Anger Management By Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Top 10 Best Anger Management Lessons From Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar   Do watch these interesting videos: What is God? | Scientists | Time, Space & More! 9 ways to Overcome Anger Do We Have To Give Up SEX For ENLIGHTENMENT? The Maa Kali devi is ...
  4. Why Do Hindus Perform Pujas And Worship Idols? (The Real Truth) | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Why do Hindus do Pujas and worship idols? Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains the real symbolism behind these ancient practices. ...
  5. Gurudev's Message For International Day Of Yoga | Why You Should Do Yoga In Times Of Covid

    Yoga has multiple benefits, it can make our life so much better, this International Day Of Yoga make a promise to yourself to start doing Yoga for your body, mind, and spirit! ...
  6. 3 Things You Need To Know When Coming Out Of Lockdown

    These Are The 3 Things You Need To Remember When Coming Out Of Lockdown In This Post Pandemic World ...
  7. What Is Karma & How Does It Work? | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Watch the highlights of Ask Gurudev Anything on Karma & Reincarnation where Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar explains what Karma is & how it works.   Do watch these interesting videos: Career and Success Do Aliens & Angels Exist? Why Do Hindus ...
  8. The Ultimate Guide To Being Successful In Life | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    We all want to be successful in our endevours but many don't know how to achieve it. How much hardwork should one do? How much of the success is based on luck? Can we do anything to make luck work for us? Find out the answers to these questions as Gu ...
  9. How To Stop The Mind From Obsessing Over Sex | The Secrets Of Tantra | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Have you experienced moments when your mind is so overcome with lust that it is unable to concentrate, remember, or function properly. Our forefathers had specific techniques and special places where one would go to calm their mind of the obsessive of sex ...
  10. Hidden Symbology Behind Ganesha Revealed

    Our ancient Rishis used hidden symbolism unaware to most of this video Gurudev explores the hidden symbolism behind Ganesha and why he is considered the God of Wisdom in our ancient Puranas. ...